The Grey's Monopoly

Apologies to any Greys Anatomy fans who post here, but I'm really sick of seeing this show nearly every night of the week. It's Friday night and it's on. This afternoon there was a one-hour Oprah special about the show. ABC runs it every time there's a hole in their schedule. It's starting to feel like a brainwashing tactic and I resent it. Maybe ABC is about to go under or be bought out because this repetition is insane. This network does not know what it's doing, period.


I thought the show jumped the shark anyway.


You thought Grey's jumped the shark? I don't know what's happening because I don't watch it. All I know is that I'm tired of getting it shoved it down my throat every time I turn on the tv. Why didn't they give Six Degrees this kind of exposure? Probably because they didn't invest enough in well planned episodes after the first three.


Yeah, they reinstated the intern that mis-directed a transplant organ essentially killing two people (the one that didn't get the organ and the one that did). She did it all because she fell in love with the patient - not because of some medical reason. After telling us all along how interns are on the bubble - one of them violates about 100 hospital rules (that would get a resident or attending fired) and they beg her to come back. I stopped watching after that.

Sandra Oh is the only actor I like on the show.


I think GA sucks because I want to slap sense into all the characters constantly. I never saw such a bunch of self-centered, whining, unlikeable characters in one show before. That chick not cashing the $8,000,000 check really pushes things too far. What a moron . . .


ITA. I barely watched s2 but after watching the epi before the s2 finale when that intern (who can't act either) decided to stage the patient's critical condition, I was done. I knew this is what would end up happening. I know it's just a show but come on that's just beyond ridiculous. She should be in jail.


Wow you like Sandra Oh? I think she is TERRIBLE in Grey's. I have only watched Season 1 on DVD.


Well, compared to the other women on the show - yes.


I've come to the conclusion that I only like the Bailey character. She's the only one with depth and levels. Everyone else is whiny. George is funny or causes others to be funny and that's what makes the show enjoyable.

After watching Ellen Pompeo on "Punk'd" (on YouTube) -- I'm really kinda over her.

All right, let at me...


" Why didn't they give Six Degrees this kind of exposure? "

Maybe because Six Degress is a really hokey show with no depth??? How many "coincidences" does there have to be passing each other on the street without knowing it. Come on. I tried to watch this show - 3 episodes is all I made. I just came back here to check to see if it was cancelled yet. If not yet, give it time... won't make a 2nd season I'm sure.


"Hokey" and "no depth" are two descriptions that fit Grey's Anatomy - so if ABC promotes hokey shows with no depth the question still stands.


If Six had gotten half the air-time and half the p.r./marketing Grey's has been given, there's no way it would be in danger of cancellation. ABC orphaned Six way too early because, frankly, they just didn't know what it was supposed to be or what to do with it. Even though the scripts got weaker there is great potential in the concept. And the cast is almost too grand for tv. Six is actually too big for the britches of an average viewer.


i do agree with you there, jax, great potential in the concept and the scripts got weaker. i did like ex-drug addict photography boy. but i just rolled my eyes every time one character passed another on the street or asked what time it was. like they were trying to force on you how these 6 characters are so close to each other.

but i don't agree that the show is too big for the britches of the average viewer - it's not like it was hard to follow. it was just very superficial and cliche. i've watched brothers & sisters since the start and find that the characters have much more depth and warmth - not just separate characters on a page. then again, it is easier to show interaction when they can all be in one family instead of 6 or so different plot lines like in six.

but i really do think that grey's is a well-written show that really has nothing to do with the hospital setting as much as the characters that drive it. although it won't be as good as the first season, i still think it is my favorite show.


Fan96 - I meant that the concept of Six is kind of too big for the average viewer. It might also be too big for the britches of the average TV writer which is why the scripts weakened. How do you convey the idea that your life can be hugely affected by someone you don't know personally? That a good or bad piece of luck comes your way via someone who is "two acqaintances" away from you, that the love of your life is a lunch buddy of your employer's cousin, that someone you casually met at a party will save your business a year from now? This is very metaphysical stuff and, like you stated, it's really got to be hard to write all these disjointed plot lines and have them hold the audience's interest. It's like being one person away from and 15 minutes too late for a sit down dinner with Mick Jagger.


I agree with you jax713. I think the concepts are just too much for people to take. I really enjoyed the concept of it all and thought it was different then anything out there right now. It was just nice to see something more fresh instead of the same old boring plots. I have to admit I do like grey's but everyone sleeping with everyone else gets old to me. It is one of those shows I would give up if something else better came along. I am keeping my fingers crossed for Six but it isn't looking very good. I came here to check to see if it was cancelled yet.


GREY'S ANATOMY is their most popular show and it is facing some of the biggest competition on television in its current timeslot. It was obvious that ABC was going to promote the hell out of it, and thankfully it's paid off since it's now consistently beating all other networks during that time period. I'm glad - GREY'S ANATOMY is far and away the best series on television.

SIX DEGREES actually got a great deal of publicity and had a solid ad campaign. It definitely got more publicity than other ABC freshman dramas such as UGLY BETTY and BROTHERS & SISTERS. But the reason that the latter two shows are such success stories and SIX DEGREES is a failure is because simply put, it really isn't that good. I was drawn in because of the great marketing and excellent cast, but it just isn't intriguing or addicting enough to keep viewers pulled in each week. Each episode kept getting consistently worse after the pilot, and viewership started to drop. For ABC, this was ruining their biggest night and they were essentially wasting a great timeslot post-GREY'S. I highly doubt that this show will actually end up coming back as well, since the number of viewers was so low and there's really nowhere to put it on the current schedule.


Grey's Anatomy has such little depth that they have to resort to shoving it down your throat every night of the week, and having costars call each other gay to get people to pay attention to its shallow, ridiculous plot lines. It is officially one of the worst medical show ever put on televison.
I would rather watch the Fat Boys movie "Disorderlies" than this show, that's how bad it is.


It's really silly (and coward) to bash a show on another board.

I can understand that you don't like the show, since different people have different tastes. You can bash it all you want: it's horrible, too soapy blah blah blah... What I don't understand is why you're getting "really sick of seeing this show every night of the week". This is already too much a cliche, just like the answer to it: "don't watch it if you don't like it". It's not like someone hold a gun to your head and force you either to watch it or die.

I think this is all because of a peculiar jealousy, which I really don't understand. While you don't like GA, many (~21-25 mils) people do. The show is having its momentum, hence you will see it everywhere. It attract a large number of audience, hence there will be a repeat. Same as Friends, same as DH, same as other hit shows.

Again, if you don't like the show, it's fine. You can hate, bash it, write email to the network ask them to cancel it, etc. Just don't go around shouting out the cliche "i'm sick of seeing this" because seriously, I don't think you can "brainwash" other people by this.


"It's really silly (and coward) to bash a show on another board." So where exactly do you suggest a person exercise their opinion? It's fine with me if they show GA 24/7 - so much the sooner people will get sick of it. I watched the show season 1 & 2 (mainly because my gf liked it) and then they jumped the shark. Now my gf hates it and so we never watch it.


"So where exactly do you suggest a person exercise their opinion?"

Come to the GA board and bash it. Why do it here at Six Degrees? The two shows have nothing to do with each other. It's like talking behing someone's back.

"It's fine with me if they show GA 24/7 - so much the sooner people will get sick of it."

Then let the people decide for themselves. During AI season, you see it everywhere. Same as DH when it first became a hit. GA is having its momentum, a new fad of TV, of course you will see it everywhere. It's a norm. Certainly there are people don't like it, like you or the OP. Again, I have nothing against it. Different individuals, different tastes. What I don't understand is the way people keep saying "sick of seeing this crap" as if someone force them to do so. There's always a remote control.


Aliosa - I bashed GA here at the Six board because it annoyed me that every time I turned on ABC there's GA and I wish they would have saturated prime time with Six. They are both ABC shows. It's not up to you to tell me where to post my opinions and you obviously did not see the logic of where I posted and you missed my point completely. You have hallucinated some scenario that doesn't exist - talking behind someone's back? - because I wasn't bashing GA, I was complaing about ABC's marketing tactics. I have no opinion about GA because I've never watched it and don't intend to. I do however have an opinion about you.


From your own messages, jax713:
- I bashed GA here at the Six board
- .... because I wasn't bashing GA

Self-contradicted ?

Lol, just kidding, I know you just mixed it up a bit. :D I totally see you point though and sorry for didn't make it clear earlier, the bashing thing certainly doesn't apply to you, but it sure does to a dozen posters followed you. You can check those messages again to see, how many of them talked about the difference in the publicity of GA and SD and how many of them just concentrated on bashing GA.

It's not up to you to tell me where to post my opinions.

Of course I can say wtv I want, as you can choose to do wtv you want. :D

Regarding the publicity of the 2 show, you certainly can't compare GA - an established series and current no.1 show with SD - a freshman show. Still, compared to other ABC's freshmen shows, SD is having the best time slot possible: a Thursday night with GA as a lead-in, and if you remembered, it's hyped like hell as a "brand new drama created by J.J.Abrams, the creator of Lost and Alias". A lot of show would kill for such time slot and such publicity. Even B&S with a repectable cast on Sunday with DH as lead-in can not even come close. And how did SD performed ? With a 25 millions lead-in from GA's premier, SD only managed to retain 13.34 millions. What's worse, it averaged 15.32 millions viewers in the first half hour, before dipping to 11.36 millions for the second. So don't blame the publicicty, it's the show itself that failed.

--Sidenote: jax713, I saw you too at the MIT board. You said you watched MIT, SD, DH, Boston Legal and yet you don't watch GA ? Why don't you give it a try. I think you will probably like it.


Aliosa - I think it's too late for me to get into GA...I have missed all of the history of the characters. Also, when it debuted right after Housewives, I purposely avoided it because I was burned out on medical shows (and cop shows). The new shows I started watching this season like MIT, Six, Heroes, and Studio 66 were completely different environments. But thanks for the invite...maybe at some point in the future I'll rent season 1 of GA and watch it all at once. Also, I don't think I should add yet another show to my week because "24" will be back in January - and there goes another hour I should be doing something productive down the drain!



At least Greys is a good show how about brain washing with Desperate Housewives that lost it ways and LOST that should have been over long time ago not to mention the Prison Break that they should have broken off ..

I am glad Fox pulled the plugg on The O.C since they finished High School ..




I agree 100% with iHateSprouseHaters!


i didn't read all the replies to your post b/c i don't feel like it, but i actually agree w/ you. i actually like Grey's Anatomy, but i'm getting a bit burnt out on it b/c of all the hype and them constantly showing it and all.

plus, maybe i don't like the storyline anymore or something. i don't know...

anyway, i appreciate your post.
