
I just watched "Confessions" online and I was wondering if this is the last episode? It seemed like it was.


Yes. That was the last one.


What? What about the others? Are there anymore?

You can't change who people are without destroying who they were.....~The Butterfly Effect~


Confessions was the last episode made. It was canceled. Things will be left unresolved for eternity. It sucks! From now on, I'll keep watching the shows I currently love (like Lost and Battlestar) but all NEW shows that look great (like Journeyman and Bionic Woman) I'm waiting for DVD. They must pass the test of time. I'm sick and tired of getting into new shows for them to be canceled and left unresolved. It's bullsh!+.

(Of course I realize if everybody does this then all new shows will be cancelled, but right now I'm saying f*#k the networks.)

We come into the world naked, screaming and covered in blood. Why should the fun end there?


I will be doing the same thing. This is the 3rd time is had happened to me. I hate the networks!

You can't change who people are without destroying who they were.....~The Butterfly Effect~


What?? How can that be the last one? Nothing was resolved! Help!


Matt Mitovich at TV Guide Online let viewers post The Nine-related questions last week and he's going to get answers from the producers. We're just awaiting the response now.

It's not the same as seeing it onscreen, but it's some closure at least.
