
Malta should have got more than what they did!
Also Russia should have won.

Who do think should have won or do you agree with Finland winning?

Isolde:How many have you loved before me?
Isolde:And after me?



He did get a vote. Just 1 though.

Isolde:How many have you loved before me?
Isolde:And after me?


Yeah, I mean... He was sooo much better than the stupid idiotic guys from Lithuania. And also Switzerland, France, Israel, and goood I almost got embarrassed when the guys from Latvia (I think...) played around with ... whatever that was ... a robot? Anyway, yeah the Malta-guy, he deserved more...


There was absolutely nothing interesting about Malta this year. The song was simply boring.

Finland was quite good, I think they deserved a rank within the Top 10.

Besides our own (German) entry who definitely should have scored better, my favourite entry this year was Sweden: Great song, great voice, perfectly sung, and Carola looked absolutely stunning (especially considering she'll be turning 40 this year). The only thing I didn't quite get in that performance were the flag guys.

Can somebody please tell me why so many people were betting on Anna Vissi (Greece)? That song didn't have much to it either.

The ones I also enjoyed very much: Bosnia & Herzegovina, Denmark (but maybe the Break Dance was a little too much), Lithuania, Ireland, Israel, the UK (although Rap music sounds somewhat strange with a British accent...).

Tina Karol a.k.a. "Shakira - The Next Generation" (Ukraine) has a good chance to fight her way through Europe's discotheques, and Armenia did a very good job considering it was their first time.

Oh yeah, and about David Copperfield jr. (Russia): Certainly the most creative performance, but I wouldn't have ranked him that high (although maybe still in the Top 10).

France and Spain seem to not care about the contest anymore - there's no other explanation for THESE poor contributions.


Malta sounded exactly like Sweden's song in 2003. "Give me your love" by Fame.


Russia's song was awful. really really bad. It should have come in the bottom 5, what the hell was the point of the women in the piano.


Well I'm Maltese..

The song was sung really badly. When he sang the song here in the finals it was sooo much better. His had load of flat notes when he sang in the eurovision. Though in my opinion it wasn't a bad song. It deserved a better position.

About the other songs.. russia's was just gr8. the choreography and all.

In my opinion 'Tornero' should have won this year's eurovision. It was a great song and Mihai sung perfectly.


I agree....

My friend lives close to his mother who explained why his performance was so poor. He knew the back up vocals were horrable and was trying to over power them, causing his voice to seem flat and he also got tired really quickly. I do not agree with sending foreigners to do the backing vocals, and i'm sure that had the eurovision board tried hard enough they would easily have found a dancer who can do back-up vocals. The eurovison is a show and to win one has to step out of the box and be more creative!

My favorites were 'tornero' and 'never let you go'

Well theres always next year!


I liked Malta's song, and thought it was a shame it did so poorly.

Because Lordi's performance was so different, everyone went mad on it. I reckon that if the Finnish entry had been someone else, then the voting would have gone a lot differently (Russia probably would have gone on to win though...) Personally, i think that Poland and Belgium should have gone through, but Lordi's group really shook up the voting.

I agree completly with goodbye_eternal : The eurovison is a show and to win one has to step out of the box and be more creative!

Look at 2004...Ruslana's performance was (i think) amazing, and it was very different.

I loved: Tonero, Never Let You Go, Ninanaja, No No Never, Alvesdansen, Moja Stikla...(and so on!)

Dance with me, Ninanaja....


when i was there in the arena i thought malta sounded OK but on TV a bit flat but, my, there were some worse entries but i did not think "i do" was anything special. i dont understand the comparisons people make with "give me your love"


I'm Maltese and I didn't like the song from the beginning, but I think it shouldn't have come last. And I can tell you that the song sounded so much better here than it did there

Will: Ok, so what if I butt out?
Harlin: Hahaha, What if I go gay?
