No News on the CBS Evening News!

Since Katie Couric took over, there is virtually no news on the CBS Evening News - it is ridiculous. For a lot of people, the evening news is the only hard news they get in a day - its where people learn about what is going on in the world and in this country - to replace it with coverage of Baby Suri and the new tickle-me-Elmo and then call it the Evening News is bordering on irresponsible journalism.

Its just like all of the morning shows - which work in the morning, because people have just gotten up and don't want to see actual news, which is often depressing.

Bob Scheiffer might not have been glamorous, but he is an excellent journalist and he reported on the news.


It's called NBC Evening News with Brian Williams, watch it, it has plenty of news.


I tuned into her first broadcast just to see how bad she would be... Lo and behold, I wasn't disappointed!

I alternate between NBC, which has the best evening news right now, thanks to excellent Brian Williams, and ABC, which originally alienated me with Elizabeth Vargas, who, although she was very good, just doesn't carry a broadcast the way Peter Jennings has. I think Charles Gibson was a much more appropriate successor.

Dr. Cynic Has Spoken

