A Turkey in the making.

If CBS wanted to make history by making a woman their first anchor, why didn't they hire Diane Sawyer? She's much more suited for this position that morning news, bubbly, and dimwited communist Couric.

This is a turkey in the making. People didn't watch CBS Evening News before because they felt Dan Rather wore his liberal politics on his sleeve, hiring Couric is even worse.


So stick with F UCKS News then, ya darn Nazi.


why is this person a Nazi? because he doesn't share one of your opinions?

who is the true Nazi???


What about the rising star on NBC Campbell Brown? Or Soledad Obrien on CNN?
Or Zane Vergi on CNN?


why is this person a Nazi? because he doesn't share one of your opinions?


Did you happen to notice the original poster called Katie Couric a "Communist"? Perhaps that (and not a mere "disagreement") is the real reason he was called a Nazi.

There are reasonable gripes to be made about Couric anchoring the CBS Evening News (among them her lack of gravitas and her annoying, "bubbly"-fake personality), but her politics isn't one of them.

I agree, however, that people on both sides need to cool it with the exagerrated rhetoric. It lowers the quality of discussions and makes it harder to find common ground...and common ground is something this country really needs right now.


I have been a strong feminist and ERA supporter since the mid 1980s, and though I was glad this move was finally made (and felt it was long overdue), I don't know if Katie Couric was the best choice (Diane Sawyer would probably be better). But she deserves a chance (and if I did watch this show now, as I did often in the late 1970s/early 1980s, I would indeed watch it for a time to give her just that). Evening news is a little different than the morning shows, and she does seem a little light to be in this position, but that really remains to be seen. But liberals are not communists (far from it!), and conservatives (which I am definitely not) are still not Nazis (who were evil).

"I happen to be a vegetarian". Lex, from Jurrasic Park


Dear Lord, No, Not Diane Sawyer. I'd rather have Katie on the evening news, any day, than Sawyer who is about as interesting as watching an ant in a circus.

In my opinion, I thought Katie did a superb job in making her Evening News debut, last night. Hopefully, she'll be in place for a long time.

I come here a lot because it's a well lighted place.


A communist? Haha, please. We don't need anymore proudrepublican81's.
And I can't stand that squinty eyed look Diane Sawyer always gets when she's asking a question. Like she's so concerned yet very confused. I like Katie because she doesn't do the head bobbing thing.

Become Republican!


A liberal? Excuse me but she was softballing questions at Bush, not only that she referred to free speech in this country as a privledge, It is not a privledge, it is a RIGHT! She is a corporate puppet like Rather or Jennings, or Brit Hume, and soforth


Her news program is certainly not liberal at all. There is only one evening news show with a political agenda (other than some cable news shows) and that is on Fox and it is a conservative agenda. If anything, her news show is supporting the conservative agenda by not showing any real news and doing mainly public interest stories - because that keeps people from becoming more informed and therefore dissatisfied with the government.

I think that her program is terrible - but not because it is political, but because it is not the Evening News - it is the Today Show in the evening.

There is more news on the Daily Show - which is on comedy central!


Seymor you're a flippin moron if you believe a person who hosts Morgon Spurlock and fawns over Hilary isn't a liberal.

