The reason the ratings are falling

Katie is perfect for puff pieces not serious reporting. The Today Show is puff, fluff, rainbows and unicorns. CBS News is serious reporting. She should have stuck with The Today Show.


Every so often, she sneaks in a "news story" more appropriate to the "Today Show" than to the evening news, such as the interview with John Edwards and his wife, or the emphasis today and tomorrow on how to prevent cancer - at the expense of other news. Then, she goes back to regular stories.

It's almost as if, as soon as she senses that her bosses at CBS might not be watching closely, she sneaks in something that she's more comfortable with, rather than sticking to the news.




Ask your mom to pay for satellite TV. That way you wont need to watch network crap anymore. Maybe cut neighbors grass and earn a little money yourself, pay for it with you own money for a change!

ANG-HULK was a spiritual journey into crap.


Well what should CBS do? Last time they did serious reporting, all the President's friends and backers forced Dan Rather to resign because of the whole Memo-Gate thing. The story went bad because the memos were re-typed copies of originals and from that moment on, CBS decided to just sit on its hands and report the same news you could find with any other news service (on TV or online) rather than do serious journalism.

In other words, the folks at CBS News have become cowards. During the last 6+ years, a lot of journalists in the U.S. have become cowards. You can't be a part of the mainstream networks (CBS, NBC, ABC) and say anything that criticizes the way the current administration is leading the country these days.

Katie needs to pull an Edward R. Murrow and start reporting the real news, without being soft and without any fear of what CBS would do to her. Its a shame that she probably won't ever fight back though.

Right now, CBS Evening News is borrrrring and way too soft.


Her ratings are tanking because she is not liked.I loved Matt Lauer and even Bryant Gumbel but I can't stand her!
