The problems with the Mutants

First of all, I love the first one. But this one lacked so much. It didn't have much of a plot. I didn't care about the characters, because you don't even get developed. But the main reason I dislike it was the mutants. In the first one, the bad guys were inbred. In this one, they were like themed super heros. There was "ROCK MAN" and "LIZARD TONGUE MAN" and so on..It was just plain cheesy.
did anyone else feel that way??


i know it sucked lol

"Baby I'm your BOOMBOX" -- KylieX2008


They looked real cheap too


Hey... I thought Rock Man WAS Lizard Tongue Man?! :P


It was probly done so that kids would be able to identify easier which mutants they's want to buy as toys.


Yeah, because this movie is obvviously for children with it's huge amounts of gore, rape scenes and other obscene stuff like the labour sequence in the beginning.

"What clichés? Thats a word the wannabe critics use when they want to whinge."


haha...yeah its obvious


I loved the first movie also and was thrilled when the i heard part 2 was on the way,i think they rushed it too much though,ur right theres not much of a plot and i didnt really like any of the mutants either,they didnt seem as organised as the ones who lived in the town,and what became of the town?,there were other mutants who didnt die there. I'm running this monkey farm now frankenstein


The first movie was excellent with a great performance from Aaron Stanford. He wasn't so much heroic as desperate.

The second one came across as a cheap exploitation movie. These guys were soldiers with automatic weapons! I know they were reservists and not some battle hardened special forces team but even so.

The only thing I liked were Jessica Stroup's eyes - really pretty.
