the funniest moment

my funniest moment is when the papa mutant gets hit in the balls by missy by which i beleive was a sledgehammer


When Redding yelled "You don't have a *beep* clue!"


By far when Napoleon is in the loo and screams after seeing the hands that's reaching for his dick. Outside of the internet I've never laughed at anything so hard and long.


When that one guy's arm gets cut off and he's like "OOH NO!" hahahaha

"I don't give a $hit about whales"


The part where Napoleon is in the Porta-Potty, then the hand comes out and touches him. He freaks out, Amber asks who he saw, and he yells "Sh!t man the Barbarian, I dunno!!" and they both go in to check and then Amber and Napoleon freak out together.

I Rep Young Money.
