Wow pathetic.

The movie was one big joke pretty much. The fact that they added the national guard made it a joke though. I mean it was the National Guard for god sakes. I dont know how well the army trains their guardsmen but in the marines we wouldnt have had the loss that they did.

1. They had service rifles, which by the way should have had multiple clips
2. Their shooting accuracy was just terrible
3. There strategies sucked.

My point beeing is that they underplayed the national gaurd. They should have had actual military leaders their coordinating the scenes to ensure accuracy. I dont mean to sound like im ranting or im nagging but i mean really. Supposedly highly trained military recruits Vs. A bunch of deformed mutants Its a no brainer who has the advantage. I give it to the mutants that they do have their little schemes and they no the land but the national guardsmen should have been able to hold their own.


The mutants are part of a government program to create a breed of ultimate fighting machines. Weekend warriors were sent in to test them.


I agree I recorded this movie recently from TV broadcast as it's the sort of thing my son likes (18+) I started watching it and have never seem such utter rubbish. I did watch a fair amount to justify making this comment by the way. The only good thing I am glad did not pay to go in a Cinema as I would have felt 'swindled'

Movie go'ers don't waste your life (time) on this trash


the first one was way better than this.

"Peace and love"


i agree they all looked like they didnt have a clue of what was going on, and they are never aware of their surroundings they just stroll through casually, that is the 1 thing that got to me


While yes it was not great, they are shown earlier in training to be very bad, so is it any surprise once they lost the only officer with proper combat experience they would have lost control ?, doubt every day to many soldiers come up against super sized near on unkillable mutants
