MovieChat Forums > The Hills Have Eyes II (2007) Discussion > Was Brenda from the first movie, the wom...

Was Brenda from the first movie, the woman giving birth in the 1st scene

I was just wondering, because the woman looked like she was a young blonde girl, and Brenda was raped in the first movie and I doubt that her and her remaining family survived.


No it wasn't her. A lot of people thought that though. They also never did tie up that loose end of if the family got away or not.


According to the comic books the first family died.

I'm Eli Goldsworthy and I approve this message.


According to the beginning of the film, the family survived. The quote on screen indicates that they made it out, warned authorities, and thus began the search-and-destroy missions and the installation of surveillance.


No, it wasn't Brenda. The graphic novel based on the films states that she and Bobby were able to make it out of there because they found a police station (or something along those lines). Doug, Catherine and Beast weren't so lucky.
