MovieChat Forums > Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008) Discussion > Kristen Bell attracted to Mila Kunis?

Kristen Bell attracted to Mila Kunis?

Just a question about a scene. When Kristen Bell (Sarah Marshall) goes to the front desk to confront Mila Kunis's character after she saw her and Jason Segal hanging out. But she did it in a nice way. They talk about how pretty the other one is and so on. Thats fine, women do that all the time. But for a brief moment when mila kunis looks down Sarah Marshall kinda stares at her with like this lost oh my god your so gorgeous look. It was kinda nice. Anyone else pick up on that? and if so was she just admiring Mila Kunis's beauty?


Yeah, I noticed that too. In fact I even thought that that could have been a twist at the end. Them two hooking up lol.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


I saw that too and wondered if it was going to be a twist ending. I'm watching the movie right now so jury's still out in my world.

"Daddy! He's killed Steve and he's jamming the door with him!"


It was acting to convey the "oh my god he left me & found somebody beautiful so fast while i was cheating on him for a year before the break-up ".

Since it's a guy rom-com, you (the guy)'re supposed to feel good cuz she's jealous & stuff. Just like the ladies enjoy it when the villain-male lead in the rom-com is feeling bad to see how the heroin found better deserved love.

But this movie had lot of (gross) comedy , & the romanticism was eclipsed by an analysis of modern couples interaction (saw the unrated version). So i'm not surprised you picked some lesbo vibe.
Or maybe you just like 2 fantasize about these 2 gorgeous ladies scissoring it up.

Fill with their majestic spirits all [...] and not a few leaders only. R.W.E


Nice explanation...I'll take either


There was no sign of her being jealous.
She was just appreciating beauty.

Women can look at other beautiful women without being 1) jealous or 2) lesbian. Consider this a life lesson.


watch the movie again? i know ppl are sometimes called donkeys & why. (stubboredom or smtg)

thx for the lesson, i already knew dat, movies r what they r, just movies. Appreciate this as the "life lesson" it truly is. & appreciate i alw mainly answer to the OP & so forth.

Peace love unity regards in every aspects.

''As Imbecile examines finger, Wise man sees who's watching Imbecile, & Moon gets intimacy.'' H.E


She was just appreciating beauty.
It's not that simple. She was checking her out, hoping to find flaws. Reasons to feel better, like "he didn't do better than me."

Women can look at other beautiful women without being jealous
It's possible, but not as likely as you want to believe. Unless the women are friends they are very likely sizing each other up as competition. Women are generally superficial and competitive with each other.

I'm 38 and have been married twice, plus I've seen alot more than that. My first wife even asked me if I thought her sister was prettier than she.

I'm not belittling women, it's not their fault. Society puts so much pressure on them to be beautiful, etc, that they can't help but be self conscious and vain.

Yea, Tho I Walk Thru The Valley Of The Shadow Of Political Correctness...🇺🇸


She was regretting breaking up with Peter. She was about to cry and telling Rachel she was pretty, seemed like a really nice person and, that Peter was a great guy. She was also regretting being with Aldous. Remember, he had just sprung it on her that he was going on tour for 18 months, had herpes, and implied her career was over because her show was cancelled. It had nothing to do with wanting to hook up with Rachel.


No, it didn't but these guys gotta have their fantasies.
Though I think she was a bit put out he found someone else so pretty so fast..


That was definitely when she was getting cheater's remorse and the jealousy was rearing it's head.


looked more like the typical less attractive ex-girlfriend being intimidated by a more attractive rival to me

hence the crying

Esse Quam Videri


I wouldn't say that Kristen Bell is less attractive than Mila Kunis though! Not at all!


Well, you are wrong.


How can someone be wrong about something as subjective as taste in other people's appearances? I think both women are gorgeous, it's just in different ways, but personally I prefer Kristen Bell. Mila Kunis is obviously beautiful, I wasn't denying that, and I agree that in the context of the movie and the characters Sarah was obviously having a moment of jealousy and 'oh crap he's found someone incredibly hot'. I was just saying that I don't think Kristen is any less attractive than Mila, they're just attractive in different ways. The character of Rachel is more attractive than the character of Sarah because that's what we're supposed to think. Rachel is nice and cool, Sarah isn't. That doesn't mean that the actresses playing them are any less attractive than the other.


Haha, +1


My head, of course there wasn't a lesbian attraction there, she was simply frustrated and selfishly sad that her ex-boyfriend found someone so attractive.

My penis says...absolutely, there was a lesbian attraction there, Black Swan style.


In terms of real life, both women are gorgeous x incredibly so. One in a more sensual way, while the other in a more classical way. In regards to the plotline, I think the character of Sarah, she's realizing that the "other woman" is gorgeous, perhaps more so, and is reacting.

But that's just me.



I'm pretty sure she was "examining her" out of curiosity and jealousy. Curiosity coming from her wondering who this new chick is, and jealousy...because...obvious reasons.


It's very clear that she's assessing her and thinking that Peter has no reason to come back to her now.


I noticed but I dont think she was attracted to her like that .. She was just jealous she was fine when he left peter devastated and was *beep* with aldous but right when she saw peter was moving on with rachel she got jealous and started to regret about being a bitch
