I have food! haha

If this happens I have a bunker full of food and water for 2 years at least! muhaha! dont come knockin on my door :)


I wondered about that... about how many people who have bought underground shelters that will sustain them for years to come.


I wouldnt say "bought" them. most probably build them. or at least I did. and stock them themselves. I dont know how many people though


Oh? I thought there were underground shelters that you can buy that were pre-made and they just dig a hole and put it in.

I saw one on TLC that was supposed to function like a house (Everyone had their own bedroom, etc) and sustain a family of four for 8 years.


Yeah I suppose so. I have no idea about that though. I mean people think of the people that build their own shelters are paranoid and crazy. but if something like this happens, they will see who lives and dies.



Yea thats the movie. and if it did happen most people wouldnt cover their mouths. so more reason to cover yours :) besides, in that movie.. that governor guy... he was freaking out more than most the population. I do HOPE that the poeple above have more composure than that in such a crisis!


If anyone is wondering, if you need MREs, check out cheaperthandirt.com, they have everything from supplies to gun supplies.


yeah underground bunkers are great. Protect you from everything from nuclear bombs and terrorist attacks to disease outbreaks and zombies!

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