Yay for Fear.

The bird flu. Could be the next big disaster. It could mutate and kill millions of people and become a pandemic. So what do we do about it? Make a movie! Let instill fear and worry amongst people. What a great idea.


This movie won't make people worry. I'm watching it now! It's awful! Bad acting and cinematography. Dumb opening shot montage. I can go on but won't.


their not trying to "scare" us just showing the worst case scenario and people that don't watch the news will see it and want to prevent it


A movie is made on everything, even on impending disasters. I don't know why they made this movie but I'm still watching it to see where they're going.


Watching it now (and not by choice by the way),and this is what people live for: fear.


this scares me. really. like i cant imagine this happen. But imagine what will happen? Evryone dying.


Everyone dies.Maybe lions will rule the world.


I, for one, would like to welcome our new lion masters. Also, I'd like to add that I'm a heavy smoker and coffee drinker and, therefore, probably taste horrible.


That's true. It's why people watch horror movies. It scares them. And if the movie is dealing with something that relates to life, it's more scarier for them. They'll get their thrill tonight and then just move on to the next horror movie.


Yeah, this movie was kinda boring, I just quit watching it. I'm gonna go watch House instead.

It's like taking the begining of The Stand and making it 10 times longer and 10 times more boring.


This movie actually made me 10 times more scared than I was before, espcially because of the ending.

I plan to buy food and board up my house for 3 years.

Do they pose a threat? Only one thing's for certain. We are all going to be killed.


But hey, it'll talk the mind of the average clueless american off of the utterly incompetent government. So we *beep* the bed in Iraq, we don't have time to worry about that..... BIRD FLU!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think that the 6 and 11 O'Clock news, Fox News Channel, CNN, MSNBC, and every major news magazine beat them to it. Its only use is it gives stupid-ass people ideas of what to do in an emergency: Case in point: "Raid the local supermarkets like a mindless horde of neanderthals and trample everyone in your path to death. Panic incessantly like the retarded morons in the 2005 Remake of "War of the Worlds".


government sponsored conditioning propaganda.
fear is a tool to rule.
