Easiest BS yet

Anyone else feel like they flew through this game? Perhaps its the simplified dialogue system, meaning you don't have to ask everyone about every item anymore, or that all the puzzles in the BS series tend to be the same distraction type deals. Also, having played the other three, I was well aware of the ask everyone everything and use everything on everything aspect of the game as well, so maybe that helped.



I found it rather easy and not very challenging which is a real shame
But because I pretty much grew up on adventure games so I did find some bits a bit predictable but that’s to be expected


I was stuck on that damned Cross-combination puzzle for freaking days before I cracked it. Its surprisingly simple once you figure it out and you wnnder how you got stuck on it at all.

I died a couple times on that final lever puzzle when George is stuck down that hole.

Flynn 24
