Top 10: Documentaries

I've created a list of the top ten documentaries I've ever seen, and 'The Bridge' made the cut! See where it landed on the list:


I'm really not one to get teary eyed at films but this one really got to me. I think we've all felt really low in our lives at one time or another. This film made it a reality to me. I wish I could've helped one of them. By being a friend or anything. I just really felt a connection to this doc. I've seen it numerous times. The first time 4 years ago but I've never been able to forget it. Suicide is never the answer. I've felt I've been at the bottom with drugs and alcohol, no friends, no prospects but I said tomorrow could be a better day and it has been so much better. There are people who want friends, who you can connect with. Please, hold on to hope. I just wish people who decide to go through with suicide would know there really is hope and a path to stability. If anyone reads this thinking of ending their life please message me. I don't think I can save the world but ill listen. I've been at the edge. I want to listen, I would love to help and be a friend. We are out there.


Bryan G
