I'm really hopeing there will be a DVD but i searched the net and can't find anything about it. EZY Dvd always has coming soon DVD's but it was no where to be found. I'm starting to worry there won't be one.


Same here.



I email Real Stories from their website about a DVD and got this email back:

"The Real Stories DVD will unfortunately not be available for Christmas. Sorry about that! We’re working hard to make sure it’s the best DVD it can be with some great special features. Special features that aren’t just an ‘Interactive Menu System’. Because I think we all realise that that’s not very special.
But definitely look forward to the release of the Real Stories DVD early next year! Should be a cracker!
The Real Stories Team."

It's a shame it won't be out until next year but at least there will be one.


Hopefully they release the first season packaged together not like the Wedge in separate volumes.



good news. Was surfing the internet to try and find out when the DVD would be released and I found it on the JB Hi-Fi site. The address is: http://www.jbhifionline.com.au/dvds/id/1031602 and if you pre order you get it signed by Hamish & Andy, Ryan Shelton & Tim Bartley. It is to be released on the 18th May 2007 (according to the JB website.)

I aslo tried to find it on both Sanity and ezydvd websites, with no luck. HOORAY it is finally being released!


hamish and andy both said on their radio show on monday friday 20th of april that the dvd was soon to be released. podcast it and hear it for yourself.
