Corpse on table

When Frank is first introduced to the owner of the funeral home there is a corpse laying on the table. I swear it looks like Steve Buscemi. Yet, no credit on the film or on his IMDB file. Completely uncredited role? Did he do a favor for the director? Or maybe just an extra that happens to look like SB?

Anyone know?

"I am a realist, not a pessimist. The real world is pessimistic by nature."


i thought it was steve buscemi too.


I personally asked the director that question and he said "No".


so you are steve buscemi?


holy crap. I swore it had to be Steve Buscemi too. I wouldn't have even questioned it until I saw your post. I still think it was Steve Buscemi.


I did a dental... turned out it wasn't him.

"You want to know my name? My name is Sayid Jarrah, and I'm a torturer."


I guess I wasn't the only one. I paused the movie, went here to IMDB to check, but nowhere in neither Buscemi's filmography nor in the cast of this movie is he mentioned. Then I noticed what gave away the fact that it could not be Buscemi; the nose. Quite different from his.


Curious, I just came into the forums to ask that!
I swear he was Buscemi.


It's just a guy with a weak cleft chin. They tend to look alike. Case in point: Steve Buscemi said in an interview that he and John Waters agreed they would surely be the leading contenders in the Don Knotts lookalike contest.


You people need to get lives.


He is now on IMDB as "uncredited" - does anyone know for sure if it is him or not?

'My name's Buck...and I'm here to *beep*


Harr Dee !!!



yeah its steve becuz if u go on hiz profile it sayz corpse on table (uncredited) lol


According to this source, it is him:


It most definitely is his twin brother Ignatz, though he changed his name to Ray for obvious reasons.

Nothing is more beautiful than nothing.


That doesn't prove anything. They got the cast list from this site. And this site is kept up-to-date by users who think they saw that guy in that movie that time and then submit update tickets.

"Honey, just cuz I talk slow doesn't mean I'm stupid." (Sweet Home Alabama)


You people need to get lives.

Seriously, you took the time to type this and you're telling other people to get lives? Then again I am replying to someone who posted their comment in January, so you may be right.

You gonna bark all day, little doggy, or are you gonna bite?


And if yer not right, who the hell will care??

Nothing is more beautiful than nothing.
