MovieChat Forums > Star Trek (2009) Discussion > 'Are you out of your Vulcan mind?'

'Are you out of your Vulcan mind?'

Best line in the film :)


I wholly concur


Why do I hear Dr. McCoy, the original, saying that in my mind? Did he say it first on TOS?

"This man is dead, Jim." ~Bones


Yes, Wrath of Khan as he and Scotty tried to stop Spock from going into the radiation chamber b

And Urban was channeling the spirit of Deforrest Kelly in his performance.


No Way, Dude!

Kirk: Who IS that pointy-eared Bastard?

Bones: I don't know... but I Like Him!


Fair enough, each to their own but the reason I like it is that in that sentence the word Vulcan is perfectly replaceable with the F-word in a film where there isn't any swearing otherwise.
Get it? :)


There's an In Living Color sketch where they are parodying Star Trek. And Jim Carrey as Capt. Kirk says that exact line.


I liked that line, but my favorite might be "Did you leave the parking brake on?"

We have clearance, Clarence.
Roger, Roger. What's our vector, Victor?


That's a fine line too but your quote made me think of Checkov having trouble pronouncing 'Victor, Victor' => Lies down. Tries not to cry. Cries a lot.


Actually, that bit bugged me. Hard to imagine a Russian having trouble pronouncing a "V" sound, which is commonplace in the Russian language (the end of many of their last names, e.g.). Lots of Russians with the name Viktor, and they pronounce it correctly.

Even weirder that he'd mispronounce it as "W", since the Russian alphabet doesn't have a character that makes a "W' sound.

Minor gripe, though. :)

Revenge is a dish best served cold.
-- Klingon proverb


Russians do not voice final consonants in English, so that /d/, /v/, and /z/ become /t/, /f/, and /s/ ("Love" becomes "lof).

They roll their /r/ or pronounce /r/ as /d/, /th/ as /d/, and /i/ as /ee/ ("I will make this thing bigger" becomes "I weel make dees deeng beeger.")

Moreover, since the initial /w/ sound is not frequent in Russian, it can difficult to pick up. Speakers either change the /w/ to /v/ or pronounce it as /w/, so that the error goes both ways. ("Where is my vest?" can become "Vere is my west?")

"Revenge is a dish which people of taste prefer to eat cold."--Kind Hearts and Coronets
*See Klingons and plagiarism


Best line: I don't believe in no win scenarios-Jim Kirk


Lol... I don't remember that line. But I do remember Kirk asking about the pointy eared bastard.

1. BVS 2. TWS 3. Avengers
