MovieChat Forums > Molière (2007) Discussion > Sounds like a fun film!

Sounds like a fun film!

A film about Moliere should be very funny. I love the plays of Moliere, especially "L'Ecole des Femmes." His plays are still funny, even after many hundreds of years later.


So, no votes and no comments about it.

Watchable or not ?
Anyone can lite me on this ?

I think that Romain Duris should be great as Molière !



The film was great; a scene near the beginning, where he (Molière) is about to be thrown into prison for debt, made me think of Groucho Marx.
I, living in France, watched the original version and found most of the actors really fitted the roles; I found myself wondering whether they or the director "fine-tuned" the acting. I can only hope that the "English" language version does it justice.
Fabrice Luchini is my lady friend's favourite actor and his performance was certainly very good - very amusing.
I'll probably buy the DVD when it comes out so as to catch the bits I may have missed because of laughing!



Found it purely conceptual, with a cast unfunnily and artificially over the top (Lucchini, Baer, Sagnier) or simply unfunny (Duris, who acts from his throat up and certainly not out of his soul) — an unimaginative script that felt as if it were penned as a test to apply to film school : "imagine a story toying with the unsung years of Molière, and during which he would have gotten most of the ideas for his later works. You will have to use, for the test, the basic rules of comedy and you are not allowed to invent any rules of your own." Grade? F.



Fabrice Luchini is my lady friend's favourite actor and his performance was certainly very good
I loved him in this film. He's a fine comic talent because he plays a ridiculed man so seriously and with a touch of melancholy. The blending of tragi-comedy as an actor, which was what Moliere was exhorted to invent.
To say a little often is to tell more than to say a great deal.


I went to see it two days ago and i absolutely LOVED it!!! Wonderful film, funny, moving, entertaining, respectuous of Molière, well played, the whole package!! ;-)


I saw it last week and loved it despite not understanding much. I imagined it to be academic and pretentious but it was so much lighter and I'm sure it will be even better for you since you'll understand the in-jokes.


It's a fun movie and Romain is a terrific Molière.


Not to sound stupid but it says at their website "OPENS JULY 27, 2007 IN NY AND LA, COMING TO A THEATHERS NEAR YOU!" Does that mean it it will open ONLY in NY and LA? I live in the midwest of the US and I would really love it see it (I love Moliere :) ) Also for those who have seen it, hows Francois Civil performance? He plays Louis Béjart, a small part I assume, but just wondering :).


Oh YEh I want to see this movie too lol But I guess I have to wait till December when it coes out here in Australia AHHHHHH lol



Is it subtitled? I would love to see it, but I don't speak French.. :) thanks!


Is it subtitled? Yes!
I enjoyed it, it plays out like a Moliere play. He was an actor who disappeared within France and returned as a playwright. This then is what could have taken place and where his ideas came from, on his return he is a hit in Paris. It was good I thought funny but not great.
A little like {only a bit} Shakespeare In Love but never as good in my opinion.
Some critics think its better.
In short its a French Farce on the big screen.

Love film love cinema keep the suits at bay.


I saw this film in Michigan last week. Maybe it just finally got out of NY and LA! I was visiting and back in Seattle, there is no sign of it. I LOVED it even tho the ending (the Tartuffe bit) could have been cut.


yes the trailer looks good, maybe a bit cheesy though...



I doubt it, which is very unfortunate. I got the opportunity to watch it last night at an independent theater and I thought it was an exceptional film.


Me and my sister just came back from the cinema and have both extremely enjoyed watching this fabulous film! It's so original, exciting, funny, well acted out and..just beautiful with all the costumes and scenery. It's a true gem and now one of my favourite films. I can't wait for it to come out on DVD!

Say NO to Willabeth
Sparrabeth <3



Saw it yesternight, I loved the film, and read in a magazine something that I believe to be true: "it stays in the "what if..." used in (the ridiculous) Shakespeare in love , rather than in Amadeus' intensity.

It is a fictional account, enjoyable, but will not be remembered, as will the figure who inspired it.

But love is blind, and lovers cannot see



I hope the subtitles won't bother me

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Very slow to get going. But, once it had finally found its feet, I really enjoyed it - it's charming and often very funny... Jourdain's final speech to Célimène - I won't give away the exact circumstances - particularly sticks in my mind.
