Love the Title

It's either suicidal or a rare act of courage to call a movie " A Dog's Breakfast". While, I have seen more than my share of films that deserve the title - none have had the nerve to admit it. Perhaps, with writing, directing and acting in the movie, David Hewlett wants us to keep our expectations low, but if it shows any of the acting quality of "Treed Murray" or the quirkiness of "Nothing", it will turn our pretty amazing.
It's especially sweet that he wrote the movie summary too; kinda makes you think he got stuck driving the catering truck as well.
Anyway to all involved, "good luck". Hopefully, it will be available for the Toronto Film Fest. L.


Ditto. I am looking forward to seeing it. I figure, he's a very talented actor so it probably will be a good movie. Now if we could only brainwash...I mean convince people who might not be as familiar with his work to watch it.

I'll pimp it out to my friends as well. Oh heck, did I just say 'pimp'?

*slaps self for hanging out too much with cable loving cousin*

You're never any more stupid than the person behind you in the really long line. ~KaliTime~


I thought it was just about the most adorable thing ever when I saw that he'd written the summary himself.
