The Mark/Smark POV....

This is something that I will try to do for every PPV. I'll put in my insight on both my mark and smark sides.:

Melina vs. Jillian
Mark: Jillian will kick Melina's as*!
Smark: Melina probably, since she's being pushed as the best SD! Diva.

MNM vs. London & Kendrick
Mark: London & Kendrick will finally take the belts of MNM!
Smark: I think MNM will cheat to win, but that's just me.

Kurt Angle vs. Mark Henry
Mark: MArk will probably win with Kurt coming back from injury.
Smark: Tough to call....Kurt.

Undertaker vs. The Great Khali
Mark: Undertaker will crush this monster!
Smark: We've seen this before; Undertaker wins (never get old, though. I'm gonna love the Tombstone on a 7'3" guy).

Super Crazy vs. Helms
Mark: Crazy will beat Helms!
Smark: Probably Crazy, he's better as a cruiserweight, more fun to watch.

Lashley vs. Booker T
Mark: Lashely will beat Book, easy.
Smark: Lashely. Book just isn't credible after losing to Gunner.

Benoit vs. Finlay
Mark: Benoit will beat him this time.
Smark: Tough, but since Finlay won last time, Benoit.

JBL vs. Rey
Mark: Rey will beat Bradshaw again!
Smark: Batista will take the title off Rey, Rey wins.

And furthermore....ah, screw it.


You are going to love Taker Tombstone Khali? There is more chance of me beating Cena for the world title on Raw tomorrow night then Taker Tombstoning Khali.

Well perhaps the laws of physics cease to exist on your stove.


are you HHH?

I heard he uses these boards

y'all wanna buy a sqerwl


Yes, I'm Triple H on IMDb postinf the MArk/Samrk POV....yeah right.

And furthermore....ah, screw it.
