MovieChat Forums > Senseless Discussion > Senesless Trailer is now online

Senesless Trailer is now online

The Senseless Trailer is now online:



That was disturbing. Looks good though!


Wait when I went to the website it said that the trailer was coming soon
Little Help Please

"I dont want your Pity I want your Absence"-Alec-Kansas City Shuffle


senseless trailer is now offline.


"laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone." - Dae-su Oh


That reminded me so much of the White Room from his Roswell days lmao. HE CUT HIS HAIR!!!! ::faints:: Thank god xD

"All I know, is I'm Liz Parker... and I'm happy :D"


I get the coming soon page too. So annoying!


Check it out at Youtube, thats where I watched it. Just search for Jason Behr

"All I know, is I'm Liz Parker... and I'm happy :D"


*cries* he's so amAZING! Why is he doing a role like that? I mean.. I love him. but.... so... painful looking! :( I wonder what made him take this role. btw.... YAY HAIR! So much better short.


I like Jason Behr, but I don't think I can see this movie. I got sick to my stomach watching the trailer on youtube. But...well, hopefully those with stronger stomachs will enjoy it. That cheese grater though...oh man...that was rough.


Oh that was nasty! The grater and ironing the tongue - is this going straight to DVD? I would watch it only for Jason Behr. I just know it is too too much for me.


omg u have no idea..just got done watchin this movie and i dont think ive grinded my teeth and had goosebumps for some of the sickest *beep* ive ever seen...the ending wasnt tht great, but it definitly turned my stomach inside out..

"I strode into this world Armani-clad, and fully awesome !!" ~NPH


i saw it and it was boring and pointless. the ending was a joke.


You again! ROFL

We get it, you didn't like the movie.

I didn't see the trailer. Generally don't watch trailers (nor mobile homes ;-) ), but just saw the movie and...

It was disturbing and pretty great, IMO.

Not the most complex plot, but hard-hitting and well-acted. And yes, disturbing.


