stupid propaganda movie

Movies like this that degrade another country to make your own country feel good about itself piss me off. I know people on these boards respond to this criticism by saying "but other countries make movies like that too" Yeah, and those movies are stupid, does that mean you should make films as idiotic as those? I can name an American movie that portrayed the British as monstrous villains - The Patriot. It was one of the worst films I've ever seen. But even that film didn't stoop to the level of LECTURING the British about how great America is and how evil and decrepit Britain is. THat's what this movie does. Indians that feel pride only by elevating India over another culture are childish.


I second that!...I watched this movie becoz by friend said it was a good one. I found it to be quite boring and degrading. Especially the lecture on India..c'mon people...grow up!!! was so childish that I couldn't stop laughing...proving your country's better than others' isn't glorifying yourself, but to admit that your identity depends on someone else's acceptance. Nothing's more pathetic than that. And regarding what America and Britain does with their movies...well...that's no noble deed, better not to ape that...wat say??


I totally agree with you guys! Plus, I was angered at how white people are portrayed! Now I see where all the stereotypes that Indians have about white people come from! Basically the main message of the movie is that white people are racists who do not respect other cultures and get divorced at least three times...Just imagine an Indian person who has never been abroad or experienced European or American cultures watching this movie...what kind of message will he/she get?!


Propoganda is the propogation of false ideas/information. Are you telling me the ideas portrayed in this film are false?

- Mocking of Indians by doing a parody on Indian mannerisms(dance, accent)
- Associating Muslims with terrorism
- Perceptions of India as being either a land of snake charmers or call centers and Tandooori chicken
- Identity crisis of British born Indians

If you're not, then how is this a propoganda movie?



But you guys fail to mention the propaganda by western culture (or was it mentioned before?) If I had a dollar for every stereotypical comment I have heard, I'd be, well, rich. It's kind of hypocritical saying Indians are making propaganda in these movies for a few reasons. For one thing, not too many people watch them, and if they do, it's for the love stories and stuff. Plus India is target to a LOT more propaganda. Don't get me wrong, I do understand what you're trying to say, but you just have to be real. Don't expect them to worship another country. That is highly impossible for many areas. And about the stereotypes of white people, I think they were aimed at the rich and spoiled. (kind of like Gossip Girl, no?)


I think you have "stereotype" and "propaganda" confused. This movie is pro-India and anti-west propaganda. It was embarrassing to watch, especially Akshay's speech at the party.
