MovieChat Forums > Cowboy Smoke Discussion > What news is there from Cowboy Smoke?

What news is there from Cowboy Smoke?

It's been quite some time science Cowboy Smoke has been traveling the Film Festival circuit, I attended the very first screening in Ganado,Texas,
Now I know some movies take some time to be seen after they have been critqued by the "experts" and given its approval, and the financial backing counts for the distribution as well, Its great that the movie has been given all kind of awards and recognition so what's the hold up?
The movie itself has a good story to tell and Will Moore did a grate job directing it, not that I'm an expert in directing but I am an avid movie watcher and I am also bias being a part of the movie as an extra, so as they say in the business "let's get the show on the road" and give this movie a chance to be critiqued by the "real experts" the audiance and let this movie stand on its own.
