MovieChat Forums > Call of Duty 3 (2006) Discussion > lol the devs hate the French

lol the devs hate the French

I noticed in every level there was some jab at the French, making fun of them and how they surrendered to the Germans. Even in the Canadian campaign, the coward is French. So why does the dev team hate the French so much? Recent war activities I can assume...

LoL Thank god WWI games never took off or it would be completely reversed on the Americans, us joining the war when it was pretty much done. Hahaha we suck



prove it. do u have any sources?


shrek you worthless troll, don't you ever have anything constructive to say? Once again you are WRONG WRONG WRONG. For someone who claims to have served in the military you sure as hell don't know shi*t about military history. The U.S. entered WWI on April 6, 1917



the french in the Canadian campaign is french Canadian and he was awesome

"Destroying Scientology, Taliban, and Communism every chance I get"



I dunno why the French get so much stick. After all, there's the old joke: What's the difference between the US and the French? The French actually WON in Vietnam!

Wanna hear another joke? What's ANOTHER difference between the French and the US? Unlike the US, the French actually WON in the Middle East! I guess THAT'S REALLY why the development team is soooo miffed at the French! Ho, Ho, Ho.....


whats the difference between the US and France?

France is filled with american soldiers who died to give it back to the undeserving cheese eating *beep* who live there and couldnt protect it themselves from the germans, oh wait that was twice that happened too wasnt it?

just face it without the US and England you Frenchies would be speaking german


Actually, the war was won by a combined effort of France, England, Russia, Canada and the USA.

"I don't know nothing about no skellingtons"


But without the latter, who didn't have to be there, the former would have (might have?) taken much, much longer to achieve victory, at best, stalemate most probably.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


They wouldn't be speaking German, they'd be speaking Russian. They'd be the S.S.R. of France.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


The "French" in the Canadian campaign isn't "French" and he isn't a "Coward"

"Capitalism is a dirty business"
"What, like war?"
"Not exactly...."


The british wore red coats, so if they bled, no one panicked. The french army applied that concept to their brown pants.


By the way not just english, the word british applies better i think.
"Ive come to chew bubblegum and kick ass, and im all outta bubblegum"


rofl, nice call. But seriously as much as I don't like the US tactics in terms of war they are very, very efficient and wipe the floor with most other nation's armed forces, especially the french. I mean come on, they surrenderd after like 2 weeks or something if i can remember correctly and then it was all up to the US and Britain to save them. But what i really want to see is a game that has the Australian campaign in PNG and other indonesian islands. I was soooo annoyed when i heard COD5 was in the pacific and it didn't have Aussies!! It's only the most important campaign in our history in terms of our survival and resilience, its on a par with gallipoli and Tryarch don't bother to put us in their game! pfft.

'You are the worst pirate I've ever heard of'
'but you have heard of me'

