Too much Sex

This movie is disgusting. It's an exploitation sex film. It just seems Chinese directors these days use the excuse of "Art film" to get away with putting bump and grind sex in their films. Also see "Lost in Beijing" starring the horn dog Tony Leung. It's of bad taste. 0 stars.


is never enough


get a girl...

i have a chinese girl who lived near beijing (tianjin) and was at university when time depicted here.

she says, plus her chinese friends back home think, this is a very good feel of china at the time. all loved the film

watch reality tv for sexual exploitiation of girls. this movie is art.


tony leung is hot.


lol too much sex? You have never seen a Dutch film.
I read about the sex scenes before seeing this film and while there are a few sex scenes I never found them intrusive or exploitive. They fit in the story and characters.

Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look really un-evolved? - Bill Hicks


The only people who complain about "too much sex" are those who've never gotten enough :)


Tony Leung is VERY hot.


What's so disgusting about sex or any depiction of it? It's something 99% of the population has to go through in their life...? It's just normal sex.. not stuff like beastiality or those I shall not mention.


The sex in this movie was really beautiful and not gratuitous. It made you feel the passion and pain of the main characters.
