Weird Patterns

what was with the pattern thing? I didn't like any of the patterns or the narrations. I didn't see the point or why it should be included in a scary animated film?


My guess is that several artists were approached to make an animation based on their interpretation of fear. The artist behind the pattern/narration sequence wanted to talk about her real-life fears and anxieties, big and small, and the patterns were meant to be abstract "representations" of those fears. I liked it--I thought that it added a personal and intellectual dimension to what is otherwise a bunch of scary animated film shorts.

Manuscripts don't burn.


I found the patterns dull and pointless as well. It didn't need to be in the film and actually distracted from the scariness. It was the biggest low point of the anthology.
My sig: why do almost all movies on imdb have a "worst movie ever!" thread?


Agreed. It reminded me of Mel Brooks's The Critic.
