
Anna is sometimes called "Momia".

What is momia supposed to mean?


In the context of the movie it seemed to be a name for a doll that to the commies was a "reactionary". I think there may have been a "Popia" doll as well. So the
when the commies called Anna "Momia" they were saying "my cute little reactionary". HTH.


Thank you for your reply.

So, there seemed to be a doll called "Popia" in France and the commies used that name to call Anna as Momia? Why did it turn to M from P?
I don't understand well. But Thanx anyway.


My sense is that at least in the Chilean context there were both Momia and Popia dolls - I think both might have been shown in the movie at one point. So only natural that the girl Anna got called Momia. If memory serves.


I see very well.
Now I have to rent the DVD again to check the dolls.

BTW what do you mean by HTH may I ask?


HTH = hope this/that helps/helped.


Thank you!


momia is the name that the chilean communist give to the conservative people, the people that is against their ideology, i dont know how to said it... anna, at the begining was against her father and friends posture, so she was called little momia. is a derogative word.



"Momia" is the spanish word for "mummy". It's a pejorative way to refer to conservatives and righ-wingers. No relation with any dolls, as far as I understood.
