MovieChat Forums > Les anges exterminateurs (2006) Discussion > Is this a remake of Bunuel's Exterminati...

Is this a remake of Bunuel's Exterminating Angel?

That would be amazing.


I was wondering that myself...but I'm not sure I would want a remake.


Absolutely not a remake from Bunuel's Exterminating Angel (singular).

I haven't seen Bunuel's movie, but only read the synopsis, I don't see a single similarity.


i was wondering the same thing! i thought bunuel's movie was amazing, this one tho... from the one-line synopsis i've read, it actually sounds a bit like the japanese movie called audition, i think by takshi miike. actually, maybe not at all...


No, nothing like audition.


i really didn't like that movie anyway...


No, I'm pretty sure any remake of Bunuel's film would be horrible.


Maybe they could get Kirsten Dunst to play the goat. L.


Not at all like Bunuel or like Audition. Infinitely shallower than both those amazing films. This one lacks imagination entirely.


Not at all like Bunuel or like Audition. Infinitely shallower than both those amazing films. This one lacks imagination entirely.

Thinking about it a little bit, the film does seem to lack imagination. It provides factually what otherwise would require imagination to perceive. On the other hand since it refers to the world of imagination, those who lack it simply fail to perceive what is essential to the film itself. Being so lost in the sensible/sensual world, they are unable to see past the nudity and orgasms. So much of what appears in these threads deals with what could only be considered superficial - surface. It would seem that the author is attempting to make as plain as day the relation between the sensible and the supersensible, the superficial/circumstantial and the moral/spiritual. You don't see what is, you see what you are. Most art takes us to the threshold of sensibility and intimates that it has its origin elsewhere, leaving us to reach for it. With this film it seems to be rather a case of the "forest for the trees".

(PRN) –
