poor june, dumb harlan

What the hell, the poor girl didn't do anything to deserve getting dumped.
And if I were a girl and some random slut gave my guy a blowjob in a boat, you're damned right I'd hope my friends would keep an eye on them... they were just being good friends... i don't care what Rachel's been through, it wasn't their fault... i had no sympathy for her character by the time we found out there was reason to

Harlan is an idiot who doesn't know the difference between love and a hard-on... Simon said it best, you can't love if you can't trust... well, if Harlan's hormone addled adolescent brain stopped to think about it for one second, he'd realize she was giving him a hummer, on her prerogative, days after they met... how could you ever trust the slut not to do the same to the next dude she meets... as the audience we know she basically does that, only gets rebuffed... does he honestly think she's going to wait two years for him?

maybe not poor june, after all, perhaps she deserves a man with half a brain


He was just a stupid "boy toy" for the girls to look at! Poor casting in this sloppy movie!



She was busted. Harlen was way out of her league. besides her and her friends were stuck up.


Here's a news flash for you Necron667, Mormon's don't practice polygamy - they haven't for a hundred years. I personally was offended at the backhanded tone of the movie against Mormons. I mean, they introduce a Mormon character, so they can immmediately get him involved sexually?! Give me a break.



i completely agree with Pegasys9, i think it was horrible that they had to make mormons look bad by making him have pre-marital sex with some slut. and no, mormons have not practiced polygamy in hundreds of years. i would know, cuz im a mormon!


Harlan wasn't supposed to represent Mormons, he was a fictional character who happened to be Mormon.


Harlan wasn't supposed to represent Mormons, he was a fictional character who happened to be Mormon.

Thank you. I hate it when people take things so personally in movies. Get over yourselves! It is not always about you. Also, why do we need to know the full back story about why Lindsay's character was a slut? People shouldn't concern yourselves with other people's lives and call them names. Mind your own business! Period.


Um, the mormon church banned polygamy in 1890

At the time you posted this in 2009, 2009-1890=119

For the term hundereds of years to apply atleast one multipule of 100 need to have passed, so until 2090 hunnereds is an inaccurate term. Scores would be the correct venacular


The June/Harlen story line was supposed to provide comic relief during a difficult sybject. Lohan's character had been sexually molested. (You could tell just by the way she reacted during the boat scene alone.) Part of what is wrong with our society is judging people by calling names, like slut or whore without knowing the entire story. (Or making fun of Mormons because people don't understand the religion based on some people that are going against the grain of the religion.) Often victims of sexual abuse will act out in sexually explict ways.



I like to think that Harlan and the Dr. helped her find her values again, in
indirect ways....she had lost touch with how special sex can be...but they
helped her value it again...Love this film.
