MovieChat Forums > ECW One Night Stand (2006) Discussion > Why there weren't any true ECW fans in H...

Why there weren't any true ECW fans in Hammerstein.

Well, the Hammerstein fans proved they were Smarks, not ECW fans. A true ECW fan would have been won over by Cena's effort and his pure balls, (Going INTO a crowd he knows bring weapons and want to lynch him? I dare HALF you Cena-bashers to be that ballsy). Smarks hate ANYONE that small children and hot women love, mostly because they

A) Envy the children their ability to still believe, and
B) Are jealous of all the pussy Cena probably gets.

Here's a fun fact. Half the men who boo Cena boo him SOLELY because their girlfriends cheer him. The other half, the Smarks, are a bunch of whiny hypocrites to begin with. Here's why.

Cena began training for wrestling when ECW still existed. THAT was where he wanted to go. Flash forward to his wrestling debut in Ohio Valley Wrestling as "The Prototype". When Cena was the protype he wrestled. WRESTLED. You kniow, chain-wrestling, actual moves. He was fluid, seamless, and as he always has been, gold on the mic. The Smarks? The know it all fans who think everything in wrestling should be as THEY see fit? They LOVED the Prototype. They orgasmed over him. They couldn't suck his *beep* fast enough. They DEMANDED he be called up to WWE. And he was, and became..... John Cena, generic gimmickless face.

The Smarks were pissed, figuring he'd get lost in the shuffle, forgotten, buried on Velocity. And they'd have been right, except Cena was STILL gold on the mic and got noticed. He found his niche. Then came the wigger gimmick, which he played for maximum annoyance, pissing off casual fans and making the Smarks cum all over themselves again, demanding Cena be pushed hard, to the belt. I KNOW the smarks loved his flashes of knowing his wrestling history, such as his freestyle on Chris Benoit including the phrase "Dynamite Rip-off".

Then he DID get pushed, and his funny clever and (GASP) intelligent Freestyles won over the casual fans. And he was being cheered and loved. Hot women got damp for him. Little know-nothing kids with no knowledge of what wrestling really means were hero-worshipping him. And suddenly....

... the Smarks didn't like him anymore. They started calling him sloppy and talentless. They said his only good matches were because Kurt/Chris B/Chris J carried him. They said he was a one-note brawler with no moves and couldn't do sh!t on the mic. They said WWE was "pushing him down our throats to sell merchandise", and a lot of other bs.

FACT; John Cena is a very competant technical wrestler, but the casual fan, who Vince makes the most MONEY FROM, likes Cena better as a brawler. So Cena brawls because it is what he is told to do. Why? Because...
FACT; Cena has proven that, unlike raving egos like Hogan, the Warrior, Nash, HE is a company man who will simply do his job to the very best of his ability without bitching, griping or moaning about looking better than so-and-so or losing his "spot".
FACT; Cena has been a model spokesman for WWE. He does any and every personal appearance asked of him. He is gracious and polite in person. He doesn't screw up his success partying or popping drugs. He represents WWE with poise and maturity and makes the company look better to the casual public IN SPITE of Vince's sophomoric stupidities like "Versus God" or "The Kiss My @$$ club".
FACT; Cena's matches, even when limiting himself to brawling as he has been TOLD to do, are almost always fluid, following the traditional method of a match telling a story instead of a *beep* spotfest like an RVD match usually is. Or was until WWE grounded him. Hey I love spotfests, and I love RVD, but I like to still have my important matches tell a story. Cena does this and he does it well.
FACT; Trust me on this, I was a student at the Dungeon in Calgary with Bruce and Kieth Hart in the mid 90's and an STF is NOT the easiest move to set up for and pull off without it looking like your opponent is helping you get it on him. I was never able to get it down quite right, despite doing very well with other submissions like Grapevine Boston Crabs, AKA Sharpshooters, and Figure 4 Leglocks. This is why the STF is an almost forgotten move. It's hard to pull off and make look good. Funny, what's that submission move Cena pulls off seamlessly each and every week? Hmmmm.... Maybe he added the extra letter to tell the Smarks what they ought to do.

One last thing, about the chants. How they proved the Hammerstein audience were Smarks, not ECW fans.

"You can't wrestle" - See above. Cena CAN DAMN WELL SO wrestle, and did so last night. Last night he got to let loose and show the stuff WWE limits him on to sell him to casual fans better. Last night it wasn't John Cena but The Prototype RVD faced. Cena busted his ass, pulled out all the stops, took risks, did stuff well outside his usual style. He can wrestle. Smarks just can't admit it.
"Same old sh!t" - See above. Cena was pulling out spots not seen SINCE OVW. HARDLY the same old same old.

Funny, Sandman can't wrestle to save his life, and he did the exact same routine he always does. Didn't hear those two chants for him. Foley and Funk busted their asses and bled like pigs and I loved every minute of it, BUT, they didn't do anything they haven't done a hundred times before to each other since King Of The Death Match. Not an insult to them, I was entertained and I loved it, just a simple fact. A true ECW fan like me, (And I can say that because I was buying tapes from ads in the back of PWI before Raw even existed), appreciate WORK ethic. Those who think that ECW is only about blood, tables, barbed wire and crippling pain, you know NOTHING. The hardcore stuff was maybe 35% of ECW's content. ECW had actual wrestling. WRESTLING, not Sports Entertainment, wrestling. Guys busted their asses to entertain. They took risks. They never coasted on reputation or gave anything less then their best. Like Cena. Cena busts his ass. He never coasts. A true ECW fan would love him no matter how many small kids or hot chicks fawn over him. Why? Because his workrate is excellent. Because he's willing to take a beating. Because he'll risk his health to give his best possible performance. Smarks like to b!tch about workrate but have no clue what it really means.

If the new ECW folds, it won't be because Vince meddled, or because Sci-Fi didn't support it.

It will be because of the Smarks constant self-aggrandizing whining.

- Those too afraid to chase their own dreams are always first to discourage yours.


If you put Cena in a Ring of Honor crowd, the result would be the same. Those are the smart fans and they would still crap on him.

People hate Cena because his character is dull and boring. The reason The Sandman was loved is because he had a great character which was booked well. Cena is a whole lot better wrestler than The Sandman. However, if you have a good character that entertains, people will like you.


The fact of the matter is this, as wrestling fans, John Cena was shoved down out throats since he started the whole thuganomics angle. We just got sick and tired of him. He was champion for almost a year before he lost it to Edge at NYR. So many wrestlers that deserved that belt where either mid or lower card. I was extremly upset that Cena won it back 3 weeks later. Thats why I was thrilled to be there and chant all the things that where chanted the other night. RVD is one of my favorite wrestlers and for him to get a win over the WWE champion at ECW is a thing of beauty. Cena was in ECW, where the fans don't put up with that. Thats why we boo'd the hell out of him. As for The Sandman, his gimmick is classic. I never tire of seeing his entrance. So what if he isnt that great of a wrestler, us fans love him the way he is. I saw him at a UXW show and Raven/Rhino where running late. Sandman, who just wrestled a match, came out and got on the mike and had a beer drinking contest with the fans till Raven/Rhino showed up. Cena would never do something like that on the fly.


Let me clarify, I wasn't insulting Sandman, just stating facts. And no, I don't think an ROH crowd would piss on Cena as the Hammerstein crowd did, nor would a true ECW crowd.

And Cena has been pushed no more than most others at his level. Certainly not pushed like Triple H or the Underseller. You want "Pushed needlessly despite a complete lack of talent" then gripe about Great Khill-i or Chrith Mathters. Human Growth Hormone Boy and Gym Bunny are both completely and utterly useless, even the marks can see that, yet they get pushed. Mark Henry is so sloppy that he legitimately injures opponents through sheer carelessness, but he gets pushed to death. Cena? Cena only got pushed as hard as he works, and he works harder than Mister "I'm screwing the boss' daughter" does. As for Sandman's character? He's a violent chain-smoking drunk. Bravo. Magnificent creative writing there. Ask battered wives and abused children how great that character is. Not that I don't like Sandman, I do, I've just never thought him above anyone else. Nor, for the record, am I a hardcore Cena fan who thinks he can do no wrong. I personally think the freestyles need to come back, and I think he's at a level of marketability where he can stand up to Ace and toss a few more moves into his routine. But all in all? Cena is not overrated, overpushed, or undertalented. And having met him in person, I can vouch that he's a DAMN nice guy.

- Those too afraid to chase their own dreams are always first to discourage yours.


I'm pretty sure the ROH crowd would crap on Cena, but maybe not as much as the Hammerstein crowd. If a ROH crowd boos guys like Aj Styles for being a "spot monkey" and Christian for being in TNA, then for sure they will boo Cena. Plus, these guys are good wrestlers who put out good performances. Just imagine how the crowd would react to someone like Cena who isn't a good wrestler.


But he IS a good wrestler. He's just working the style his BOSS orders him too. Go download some of his old OVW stuff. Cena is good, not an all-time great like Benoit but pretty damn good. Vince just sells him to the marks who don't think a "thug": should wrestle but instead brawl, so Cena brawls. It's called doing his job, that thing he's paid to do.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain, and most fools do." - Benjamin Franklin.


Regardless of whether he good in the past or not is irrelavent. The fact is that he is not a great wrestler right now. Time and time again, he needed to be carried by good wrestlers to get a decent match. You know there's a problem when you have matches with Angle, Jericho, Edge and HHH, and he still hasn't improved. A good wrestler is a good wrestler regardless of style. William Regal is an excellent technical wrestler who hasn't been able to wrestle his style. However, by his performances, you know he is a good wrestler. Nick Dinsmore is another who is stuck in a bad gimmick unable to wrestle his style. However, he is knows how to bump and knows what he's doing in the ring. It's a good thing Cena isn't front of ROH type crowds everynight. The results would be bad.


Well, I still choose to disagree, by your own theory of him being carried, how does that explain his good matches with Sabu and Van Dam, both spotfest junkies whose actual wrestling skills are lax at best, or his show-stealing curtain jerker with Big Show at WM XX/ Big show is a pure power man, very little actual wrestling graces his repetoire. Jericho post wwe has no obligation to lie on Cena's behalf for the company and he thinks Cena's got more going for him talent-wise than several people he "politely declined to name", (In a manner that makes me curious as to who he's being polite about).

Bottom line here really is that there are dozens of highly over performers who do even less in the ring than Cena and certainly have less on the mic. I will never for the life of me for example understand how the hell Ken Kenneddy got so over so fast. His ring work is sloppy and disjointed and all he can do is scream his own name.

Cena takes good bumps. He's certainly bled a lot this year. I think he just has that odd unique once in a lifetime combination of factors that cause permanent inexplicable polarization of the Audience called "X-Pac Heat". Wherein for certain fans, you can perform like Benoit and promo like the Rock and it wouldn't matter, half the audience will still invariably piss on you and say you suck. Kind of the opposite of being at the peak of "Mount Perpetually Over", like Kurt Angle and Hogan, where they can say *beep* that would get most people fired, screw up a move every so often, etc, and maybe even be criticized when not around, (I know everyone I know pisses on Hogan, until he's on PPV live and suddenly they're marking like 5 year olds), but somehow, they are always loved like gods.

I could easily name 10 people in wrestling who are both less fluid in the ring and less interesting on the mic than Cena that Cena's haters still pop for.

Christian. (Sorry. His mic work is average and his ring work is dull if there isn't a table or a ladder nearby.)
Sting. (yes Sting, he of 3 moves and screaming woo)
Ken Kennedy.
Matt Hardy. (I love him, he can bump like hell, but really, his matches are stilted as hell now thanks to Johnny Ace's ability to cling to grudges with a death-grip. He's more stilted than WWE RVD was. Right NOW, he's beneath Cena.)
RVD. (See above. RVD is a spot monkey. The repressed and limited WWE "style" *gags* Limited him. Stilted RVD was painful to watch, as you could visibly see him second-guessing his moveset.)
CM Punk. (I've downloaded ROH and OVW matches. He's good, but I fail to see what makes Smarks saklivate like he's the second coming.)
Kane. (His movie bombed, his character is bastardized, he's been relegated to rehashing old bad Undertaker storylines, and his ringwork is standard "I'm huge, watch me pummel people" stuff, yet the crowd STILL pops massive when his pyro goes off or when he chokeslams someone.)
And finally.
The Undertaker. (AKA The Underseller. Barring the Tope Suicida he pulled out of his lazy ass at WM XXII, Mark is one of the laziest bastards in the ring ever. He buries young talent and no-sells damn near everything, and his mic work is and always has been monotonous and dull.)

And for the record, I love EVERYONE I just listed except JBL and Kennedy, so it's not bias, it's stepping back from my fanhood and evaluating honestly.

Cena is getting pissed on unfairly, he works his ass off doing everything he's asked, and still he gets pissed on.

No, Cena isn't my favorite, Piper is. And even he disappoints lately.

So we disagree dudley_boyz_666, but I'll close by thanking you for at least debating me politely and intelligently, as opposed to the stream of idiots on my other version of this post under "Funniest Moment from ONS" who just keep saying "Cena sucks, you're an idiot WWE mark who doesn't know sh!t about wrestling haw haw I laugh at what a douche you are haw!".

Thanks for proving that it actually is possible to disagree without being a d!ck about it.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain, and most fools do." - Benjamin Franklin.



*sighs* Whatever. Idiots will always be idiots and will say snow is black even after you pelt them in the face with a white snowball. All I need to know? I need to know everything so I can be informed. Unlike half you people who hear one person say something then you all parrot him with no interest in fact or history.

If Cena is stale BLAME VINCE.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain, and most fools do." - Benjamin Franklin.


we hate Cenas gimmick not Cena himself people would not hate him anymore if he changed gimmiks and you sound like a Cena fan through and through and the same thing happened with Hulk Hogan people got sick and tired of him and started booing him


I like Cena yes but no, I'm not a "Cena fan" I just hate misguided bile. And I NEVER liked Hogan, but people still cheer him. He was booed as nWo because he was suppossed to BE booed. And sorry, but most of the haters on here have said it is CENA himself they hate, not just his gimmick, tho I do believe the Wigger gimmick is part of it.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain, and most fools do." - Benjamin Franklin.


So you told us that there were not any true ECW fans there, but not why.

Cool story bro.
