does he smoke?

does he in his myspace his backround is a pic of him covered in paint and with a ciggerette
the link is first
then click myspace and his page comes out


yea, thats an old pic. i dont think he smokes though. probably just for the photoshoot.


well someone smokes in that house, remember mini horse got into an ashtray!! Hmm i wonder who does.

If you don't like gay marraige blame straight people, because they keep making gay babies


they smoke bud i am guessing


yep they def gotta be smoking something. any dude who believes in homemade time travel devices, taking his dog to a pet psychic and having his friend hypnotized to lose weight.. they smoking some gooood stuff

Casting for movie in the Dallas area titled "Sluts" -


I just got the DVD and in some of the extras Rob was yelling for Drama and he was outside smoking and there was A LOT in a flower pot.

Viva La Mala


yea. idk who but maybe he does. that was a good detail about mini horse and the ash tray. i think it would be rob or his assistant. i dont think big would.


why do you think rob would but not big??

If you don't like gay marraige blame straight people, because they keep making gay babies


On Drama's Myspace there's a pic of Rob and Drama and Rob has a cigarette in his hand.


In last week's episode they are sitting outside by the pool and there is a pack of cigarettes sitting on the table directly in front of Rob along with the ashtray. They could have been anyone's but they looked to be Rob's.


I wonder why he never smokes on camera. But like I said before there is a picture of him with a cigarette in his hand so he does smoke.


I am wondering if he does smoke on camera and MTV chooses to edit it out. The last thing MTV needs is people accusing them of promoting smoking. Or even Rob doesn't want to promote it either.


There are a couple of episodes where you can see into Rob's room and there is a HUGE graphics bong. It is orange, so I am guessing they are smoking some herb. They act like they are high!!!


big at least smokes weed.


I think both Rob & Big smoke.


i dont think that they smoke b/c of the way he reacted when mini ate the ashes. he said something like "nasty cigarettes". I think they have some smoking buddies.
