MovieChat Forums > Rob & Big (2006) Discussion > Big Black is surprizingly mean!

Big Black is surprizingly mean!

Big Black, Bam Bam, ad Rob went on a cross country tour, going from mall to mall. He was in my city, and my friend went, and Bam Bam was very nice, But Big Black was so mean and rude. Sometimes famous people make them look so good


in what way was he rude??? i am just curious seeing as alot of people like to come on imdb and tell everyone how rude a certain person was, but give us no real insight on how they were rude.


i think there was another poster on here or myspace or whatever that said big black was rude too. haha. they said they got to see bam bam and black during a signing at the mall and that he was being rude and stuff. not sure what exactly what went down but that's what i heard. :p

- Julia (formerly iuzila)


yeah Bam Bam is nice. Just look at Bam Bam's manners on this Mall of America clip.



I met Big Black tonight at my restaurant in Burbank and he is very polite. Also, he was good tipper to my friend. There's nothing mean about him.


thats cuz he was eating at the time


lol......... but im not sure if i meet him then il devide if hes mean


Yeah.Being nice to a chef/waiter is a must.Because thats their food your messing with.


yeah Bam Bam is nice. Just look at Bam Bam's manners on this Mall of America clip.

they both seemed pretty nice in that clip! they kept saying how much they liked the kids shirts and stuff... I was laughing when they were all like "hey if anyone messes with you, we got your back!" haha
Fox canceled The OC; The sun really has set for the last time


i think a lot of celebs come off as rude when theyre not. you probably caught black at a bad time or on a bad day. everyone is allowed to have a bad day. if u had to sign autographs to mall loads of kids all day ud prolly have a bad day or too as well. i bet he gets at least 20 kids a day wanting him to say 'do work' or something annoying like that. ive heard both rob and chris are really polite guys.


I agree, people in the public eye are no different than you nor I. We ALL have good and bad days. Stop expecting them to be who YOU think they should be and go with the moment. Just watch the scene and if it does not feel/look right - LEAVE. Put the shoes on your feet and see how they'd feel if it were you. Take them off those high in the sky pedestals that they can't breathe on and bring them back down to earth is what I say. They eat, sleep and crap just like everyone else. Some more/some less, never-the-less, still happens.

I say this just one time - it's time we all got some funshine.


You are forgetting that Big Blcak is a body gaurd. Not just a friend of Rob


The guy is like a body guard, public places with lots of people like that are where you are on your guard.


I always see him around in Burbank with the other dudes from Rob and Big. Super polite and chill guy. Just never ask for an autograph while eating. My co-worker was dumb enough to attempt that. General rule never ask a celeb for an autograph or photo while they're eating.


well if ur their biggest fan id think it was ok since you might never see them again. youd have to tell them hey im not a casual fan, im ur biggest fan, i (insert verb that shows why ur different) and be fun about it.


but not while they're eating with his wife or anything. that's pretty damn rude.


its rude regardless while theyre eating, but if you prove ur worth and give more of a fun vibe (arent a typical fan) they are going to remember u in a good way and feel better about givin u that autograph


you totally don't live in LA do you?


ur a genius ha ha i dont. we dont get many stars here


yeh, if you lived here. you'd get what i'm saying. they don't call it la-la land for nothing. haha

i'm from the south orginally but yeh. there's rules when it comes to approaching celebs. hehe.


ha i have no shame!


haha then have at it


ha watch i come back next week w/ a pic of me and an annoyed rob & big in the background


I would imagine it's rude to ask anyone for an autograph while they're eating. lol I'm not even famous and if someone asked me for my autograph while I was eating, I'd be pissed. Probably the last thing someone wants when they have food in their face is to see someone constantly staring at them or asking them to put down their knife and fork to sign a piece of paper.

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Well I think thats obvious / just human nature. Its similar to like people bumping into you, you dont like it.
