MovieChat Forums > Rob & Big (2006) Discussion > The only great 'reality' show.

The only great 'reality' show.

This is the only one I genuinely really enjoy. It's a feel good series. 2 actually funny guys that are actually likable. Yeah some of it is staged, but who cares? Better to have staged 'fun' events than staged drama like most shows.

Most reality shows are crap. Some are watchable. This is the only really good one. Who agrees?

Punisher: War Zone

''So violent it made my wife cry...''
- beachbeach


i agree, outta all the shows that are based on rich people like run's house, the kardashians, the hogan's show, snoop dogg's show, ect... this is the only one i loved. run's house was ok but i never watched a full season on an entire episode at one time and those other shows aren't worth my attention. the chemistry that r & b had makes it even more enjoyable.i was kinda bummed it ended but watching the dvd's will cure any bad day. the commentary on the dvd's are freakin hilarious and there are a few funny deleted scenes also plus they put the entire dirty girl video on it too!!!

Lucy: Lenny, this Don. Don this is my new assistant Lenny.
Kenny: Kenny.
Lucy: Whatever


This is the only "reality" show I can watch over and over again. This show makes me laugh every time I watch it.


I hear you.

I used to be way into reality shows, then I got too disgusted with them. Rob and Big and all their buddies are so fun to watch, it makes me know how good reality shows can be.

I miss the guys. I hope they keep doing more and more shows over the years.

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