MovieChat Forums > Rob & Big (2006) Discussion > Is Big Black's wife white?

Is Big Black's wife white?

because his baby looked really light...


Black babies have light skin when born.


my nephew's half black and he was darker than big's baby when he was born.



Big Black's wife must of been REALLY light skinned.


Wesley Snipes and Whoopi Goldberg could have a kid together, and theres still a high chance it would come out light. It could take up to a week for a black babies skin to darken.


It takes about a week or 2 for babies to get there pigmint.


I'm sorry but that just sounded so ignorant.

The only ignorant thing I've read in this thread so far is your response. Someone asked an honest question, back off. Not everyone is an expert on black folks. Why not try answering someones question and educating them without coming off like a jerk next time?


mtv needed an excuse to end the show but the acting agency only had a white baby

I'm Tyler I'm five years old I love the Jonas Brothers so much-Joe Jonas


thanks alstottfan. when i read the original post, i was just waiting for someone to start *beep*


Isis Boiken's melanocytes be hella lazy yo. Fo realz. B**ches don't know s**t about her sluggish keratanized epithelium.



Now, If the poster felt offended by what I said than maybe the poster should choose their words more wisely and think for second before posting.

Hey KK, did it ever cross your mind that the OP might be from another country or might not have much first hand experience with black folks? Of course not. Because you wanted to get offended, so you got offended. I bet you're the type of person who thinks it's racist for black olives to be in a can while the greens ones are in a jar and free to see out.

If a black person asked a question about white folks that would be considered common knowledge among them and they were called "ignorant" for asking, I bet you'd get offended at that as well.

Instead of calling someone "ignorant" for not knowing what YOU feel they should know, try to educate and maybe you won't come off as someone who has such a sandy vagina.



From the OP forum history, they watch Flavor of Love, Rock of Love, Bad Girls Club, and Road Rules The Gautlet... plently of black folks on that show

Gee, I'm sorry Nancy Drew. I didn't realize you are so devoid of a life you spend your time on the net looking for ignorant people to bring the *beep* fury on. I guess you are a freedom fighter right up there with MLK and Brother Malcolm, huh?

Well, far be it from me to impede you fighting the good fight. Since you have established yourself as the one and only expert on what other people should know I'll just let you continue to spew your prejudiced and obtuse garbage in peace.

Fight the power.


Wow. I revived this post just to say your ass got handed to and you say some *beep* like that.


Thats a good way to prove your point. I came out COMPLETLY WHITE!!!! an now i'm a fair brown.. u see these things all the time in new borns.
Innocent statement i think!


Krystal, it's not an ignorant question. Even black people would assume that baby looked biracial. That's why the poster ASKED instead of saying "why was there a white baby?". That is an ignorant question. Learn the difference.


I'm black and I didn't assume the baby was biracial. I know that black babies do come out very light skinned.

The baby could be mixed, but just because the baby was light skinned at birth doesn't confirm she's mixed. If that makes since.


I've given birth to a black child. In no way do most or all black babies come out looking that white. Of course they aren't all chocolate mahogany. Especially knowing that that was a staged "birth filming" and that baby was clearly not JUST born. Once again, my post was in defense of someone being called ignorant for something that is not ignorant at all. It is called curiousity and frankly, I thought the baby looked white too.


Even black people would assume that baby looked biracial

I'm black and I didn't assume the baby was biracial. I've NEVER seen a baby born from two black parents that wasn't born real light. My granny always said babies don't get thier real color for a couple of weeks or even months, but you can always tell what color the baby will end up being the tops of the ears.

Also, I thought that baby looked pretty fresh out the womb to me. She still had that "second skin" on her.


yall some funny *beep* lol people on IMDB never fail to make something into some kind of ethnic debate. Look Im black, and even to me the baby looked a little light, but it takes 2 weeks for a baby's skin color to develop. His or her question was not ignorant at all, it was just a question, and Im happy they asked it instead of being nervous about what people would think of the question. Thats what this country needs, less sensitivity and more knowledge, cut the *beep* out


I for one never knew it took babies two weeks for the skin pigment to get it's true color. I don't consider myself naive, i just don't know much about babies. Good question by the poster.

Would I rather be feared or loved? Um.. both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.


Yes, she is.

"Why should I *beep* with children," he said, "they're too small."


Big's GF is indeed white. Go to his Myspace page and take a look at the pics he posted of him, his daughter and GF.

Gee, I guess the OP isn't a racist now, just someone who knew what he was talking about.


Are you talking about his female girlfriend or Rob, his surrogate girlfriend?



Got a friend who has a nice who is half and half (white and black) and she's pretty light.

I get it up, I get it up in the dark, I make her feel I'm not a holy man
