Subtitled version

I've got the subbed version, and just got up to episode 14, and the subs have suddenly got really crappy, Re-I has become "Real", Vincent has become "Vince" and Proxy has become "Procurator", and the English has got a little more iffy than it was before. Have I got this to look forward to the rest of the way through? Also is Daedalus male or female? It's clearly voiced by a woman, but the pronoun "he" is used several times in the subs? Is it bad subs or a very effeminate guy?

Adventure, excitement... a Jedi craves not these things


i'm guessing you downloaded a batch torrent fansub?

if it's the one i'm thinking of shinsen had subbed the first part of the series but then because they were slow another group finished it even if the sub quality wasn't as good.

Since then shinsen finished it so you might look for another torrent with all episodes subbed by them.

or get the dvds

daedalus is a really effeminate guy :)



I watched the first half of the series subbed, and WTF I thought Daedalus was a woman.. omfg

damn you Japanese VAs


I think Daedalus is supposed to be a young teenager -- think Doogie Howser -- and so his voice might sound a little female because it's higher pitched. In the English dub he's voiced by Yuri Lowenthal, who has done Ben 10 and other teenage kids.
