MovieChat Forums > Ergo Proxy (2006) Discussion > 2 questions about Monad and about Raptur...

2 questions about Monad and about Rapture (spoilers)

So, what was the Rapture missile all about? A whole big deal was made about it in that episode, it being fired by Raul and that the launch could not be negated. The cinematic buildup was as if it would be the end of the world.
It flies towards Mosque, and then what?
When our heroes arrive in Mosque the city is destroyed, but they also say that this destruction took place years ago. There are no charred bodies or wounded survivors, some structures are still standing, there is a live autoreiv, and at the flick of a switch there is a bit of electricity available.
What was the big deal?

Also a question about the ending and Monad.
Why did Monad revive (as the new Lil) and why turn into an angel, then only to fly away and die? What was her motivation - she wanted Ergo to go with her, so they could die together? And was it programmed that she should do that or did Daedalus make it happen with his own experimentations?

"I am like Cryptonite for men. Cryptonite dipped in cellulite."


of course \\\Spoilers/_// ahead:

I just finished marathon-ing this, so I might've missed something but the point of him blowing up the mosque dome was that it was the only other dome populated by presumably regular healthy human beings. It was said by I think Proxy One that (and I'm paraphrasing of course), with the Rapture he had destroyed the human race and that was his legacy. Re-L/Lil was worried that Vincent would go in a rage or snap if he found out the Rapture sent by Rondo was what destroyed his past. So that's why she covered up the destruction. As for no bodies I'm sure it's because the explosion was powerful enough to turn the majority of mosque into a crater, the only structures really shown to be altogether were the vault of the city (the spot with the most armour of the entire armoured city) and the power station that was miles away. idk about the electricity though.

As for Monad/ReAL/New Lil, she was created out of a combination of Re-L/Lil's DNA and Monad's DNA, and she, like the original Monad, wanted to enable Vincent's desire to run. So when Daedalus gave her wings (she may've asked, or he gave her them because she's his 'angel', or just a reference to Greek Daedalus) she used them to try and run away with Vincent again. You basically hit the nail on the head though, if they ran away the world would end so running away in that situation would just be choosing to die.
