Beans or Ring?

Okay, I dunno if anyone will answer to this, but which do you like better: Lord of the Rings or Lord of the Beans?

I, personally, like Beans better. I'm reading Ring right now (the first one), and I'm really liking it, but I like Beans better.

"If you can read this, you're too close."

Ahcoota Choonutro
Degatah No Mootah
Naga Tonala
Eetruma Tadrutah
~Angel's song~



I've seen this and now I want to see the lord of the rings,so I can know where all the spoofs came from.

Go eat a spork!
-Lord Of The Beans.


Lord of the Beans. I like Rings, but Beans suits my attention span better =)

Randalf: I said no matter what happens, dont laugh or smile. Didn't I say that?
Ear-a-corn: You didn't tell us it was *that* kind of raspberry!

Ah, it makes me laugh! ^_^ Rings confused me at some points, but I like how well the spoof was done.


I've seen all the LotR movies as well as reading the books, and the spoofs were quite funny! My sister age 6 loves Veggietales, and she knows I like Lord of the Rings, so it was a perfect match!

I'm never gonna stop believing in "X-Men 4: The New Beginning".


Yeah, same here. My brother's six, or turning six soon.
Anyway, it was a lot funnier if you'd seen the actual LOTR movies, I'd have to say. :) My sister didn't get it as much, and she's twelve.

I love how well Big Ideas spoofs things so well.


Yeah, it's better if you know what exactly they're spoofing.
Although, Orcs to sporks do quite well for a spoof!

David Tennant is all mine!
I'm more addicted to 'House' than he is to Vicodin.


You have to see the LOTR movies before you see LOTB. There's so many hilarious lines that are so close to the movie lines (my favorite being, "I'm twice as tall as half of you, and half as tall as twice of you!")

Its so well spoofed, its hilarious.


yes, it was clever, and cute adn funny... i loved the spoofs, especially that line. but i was smitten by the elvish impersonator, that was hilarious!


It depends on what one wants and likes. The book is very clearly superior at the level of complexity, compelling storytelling, narrative coherence, character development, and so forth. This film spoofs the PJ films more than the book. If one values spoofs and spin-offs more than the things themselves, then this will appeal.
