Are you kidding me???

7.0+ rating for this movie? I must have missed something.

The acting, was good. Not great, but good. Crystal particularly could have picked it up some, but whatever.

That is the best thing I can say about this film. The characters were horrible. Why does no one call the police. EVER? Sure, after a girl kills herself cops arrive, but there's a body lying on the sidewalk, calling cops then is kind of redundant. And the storyline was horrible. She gets threatened, she cries in the car, she has sex with her ex-boyfriend and now she wants to go to the brothel in the middle of the night to investigate?? WTF?

There is not a single likable character in this movie and the chain of events is haphazard and nonsensical. All sympathy for the subject matter aside, this movie does not deserve its IMDB rating.


I don't know the movie, but because it has a 7, doesn't mean it's worth that much. And how many people have rated this movie, probebly one or two people, 'caus there are only a view posts here, probebly by someone that did like it. Ratings mean nothing or almost nothing. Some give a ten or one, but seldom is a movie worth that much, just their way of getting a high rating, I think.

You posin' for pictures? Or you gonna pull the trigger? (Crime Story)


Emma Lung was very disappointing and the script lacked any real punch. Most of the characters were unbelievable and overly exaggerated. I didn't buy Lung's performance at all. I'd like to see her in a better role to prove herself.


ya, like naked all the time


I actually thoroughly enjoyed this movie although I do agree some of the acting left a little to be desired. The highlight for me was Saskia Burmeister who played 'Vanya.'

I do agree I don't quite get why people don't go to the police but hell it's life and sometimes we don't feel they're going to be of much help to us. I certainly felt for Veronica Sywak's character 'Ashley' and her position. When you get caught up in something as emotional as this situation you don't always think clearly. When you have a mother begging you to help most people with a heart would find it hard not to do what they can.

Regardless of the script or the acting or anything else, I think the message was clear. Human sex trafficking is happening under your nose regardless of what country you live in and it is absolutely unacceptable. To think 'Crystal' went from one prison to another is extremely upsetting, she was just a piece of meat thrown in with the majority already there. Governments need to take notice of these situations and act on them. It is abhorrent knowing young women while being in custody in a detention center. As if they've not been subjected to enough already.

Perhaps legalizing some places may help I don't know but that way at least the girls would be treated with some dignity and disgusting people like the 'Mr & Mrs Glassman's' of the world wouldn't be living in comfort off the vile acts of the perverts that frequent their establishment!

There are always repugnant money-hungry people willing to supply to the demand made by equally repugnant humans.

Humiliating these girls further is definitely NOT the answer!

~ Friendship is the only cure for hatred, the only guarantee of peace. - Buddha ~


Try a new Disney movie next time.

Why no one calls the police? The kidnapped women cannot because they are illegal immigrants.

My vote history


Thanks 'lukaslukas' I got they were illegal immigrants in this movie but I meant the women who was trying to get help and showing up at these places alone. These people are ruthless and I don't think it's wise for her to be going on her own and let's face it, any help is better than no help. Get a group of thugs to go with you for goodness sakes.

I did like the Disney comment! :-)

~ Friendship is the only cure for hatred, the only guarantee of peace. - Buddha ~


The illegal immigrants didnt want to call the police for fear of being thrown in villawood.

The people helping them do not call the police for obviously the same reason.

Why is that so hard to figure out ???

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I am so with you thewholebrevityrhing!! And you know I am if i bothered to write your entire username

Some people are so naive sometimes. Jee why didnt they call the police? Its better then their situation now...How on earth would they know that?.. They have come half way across the planet, and the only people they know are these traffikers. They are told horror stories about the "outside world" so that they are even terrified to leave. They owe a debt so that they feel that they have to stay, or they will be caught by the traffikers. The will be thrown into detention if caught by the police. A place that they believe is worse a place then where they are in.
The lady, Ashley, did not call police because Rubi's mother begged her not to. Then Ashley actually tells Rubi's mother to call the cops because she cannot help anymore. But then when she is dragged back into it, it was just a spur of the moment rescue, when she rescued the 2 girls. Then when the police do turn up after Rubi's death they treat Crystal like a criminal. Crystal asked Ashley to find Vanya, i think also implying to do it on Ashleys own with out the help of the people draggin Crystal away. So thats why she went in on her own to try to rescue Vanya.

It was all situational. Did these people even watch this movie?...


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"The illegal immigrants didnt want to call the police for fear of being thrown in villawood.

The people helping them do not call the police for obviously the same reason.

Why is that so hard to figure out ???"


Not that bad of a movie for an Australian drama film; middle of the road. Least I could sit through this unlike say Somersault, Little Fish, others
I have a very low opinion of Aus drama films.

