
This show is really entertainting, but anyone think it's pretty easy? I'm 20, dropped out of high school, got my GED, and get quite a lot of questions correct. Most I'd say. It feels good to actually know a ton, 'cause when I watch Jeopardy, I feel dumb.

And I'm always yelling at the TV at these 40 year olds that don't know the simplest stuff.

A sail boat with a gap in the middle and a section on each side, is a CATAMARAN!! Idiots.


Well have you see Jay Leno when he quizzes people about things like who is the VP of the country and a lot of people don't know? All I have to say is the people on Cash Cab sound like Einstein compared to them, I find most of the questions easy but they do through in some ringers that no one would know. Like the other day They asked about some cigarettes that no one would know unless you smoked them. the people in the cab were smart but they came up with the wrong answer, Vanguard. I think Cash Cab is really geared for people of average intelligence who is well rounded.


Cash Cab is a lot of fun when I get a chance to watch.

I have noticed, however, that it is far from consistent in its difficulty. Sometimes, it's fairly challenging, other times not. Why would that be? I have come to believe that the producers generate their line of questions based on demographics. Young men get questions about Maxim Magazine, gangta-looking dudes are asked about "urban dictionary" entries, Asians are queried about engineering, and so forth. As far as I know, this practice is not cheating, per se, but has been prohibited by the FCC since the quiz show scandals in the 1950s. I could be wrong, but there seems to be some strong trends to me.


Probably true, that is why the ringer question seems so hard and out of place. They probably have certain questions they ask to people under 40, over 40 and all women or or men groups., mixed groups. I wonder if the questions are based on who is picked to answer the questions if it is a family where people are of all different ages. I have seen some groups of contestants that have 3 generations.


Hey can you guys shoot some advice for me to be little bit smarter? If you don't mind....

After I watched Cab Cash, I somewhat find myself little bit embarrassed that I do not know around 90 percent of trivia answer. Recently, I went to Half-Price Book store to purchased couple used Trivia book to learn few things, which I already start did and felt much better that I starting to know few stuff but still has long way to go.

Now to the point, how do you know the answer to trivia question? Do you read a lot or study trivia, FAQ, or FACT books? How do you study to learn answer before trivia question being asked in future? Thank you.


I read everything. I love reading. I am one of those people who actually read brochures people hand out and junk mail. I get Almanacs for Christmas Presents. I say get a few good almanacs. The World Almanac Book of Facts is the best one. I think the 2010 edition comes out next month and the cover should be red. It changes over the years but the facts are up to date, and it is easy to read. And it has just about everything in in it including a small atlas. All in a paperback book. Also read a newspaper. You will be shocked to see how many people do not read newspapers even before the web. I listen to people who do good in these types of shows and they all have one thing in common they read a lot and they love to read. So read everything and anything you can get your hands on.

Oh and try to be well rounded in your taste, I am very eclectic. I like just about any type of music except the new C&W. But I do know who Taylor Swift is. I may not listen to classical or opera a lot but I sure knew the Ravel answer a few months ago on Jeopardy. Know the basics about types of music and Composers and songs. Same about movies. Don't have to know every movie that Humphrey Bogart made. But you should know he got a his only Oscar for African Queen. Things like that. Hope that helps. One last thing I never study all of these things I just listen and read because I am curious and I like to read. And later on if it comes up I just happen to know some of the answers.


Hey Marbleann,

Thank you! I just recently purchase The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2009. It might be little bit out of date but it cost $3 at Half Price Book store, so I am not gonna complain. Same thing for several used Trivia Books. Thank for your tips about read everything, I really need to do that more often.


TY. 2009 is fine. And 3 bucks is a good price. Nothing will be too much different in the 2010 other then the list of people who passed away this year.



Thanks for the World Almanac advice! It's my favorite! I don't buy it every year or anything, but I love to sit and browse through it.


YW. I love it. My parents use to give it to me as a stocking stuffer at Xmas. Come October/November I am looking for the new one now. It has a whole lot of stuff and it has to be the best browsing book around.


Photo9710, sometimes it's just being alive a while (like me!)
I remember when I was a kid & we used to play Trivial Pursuit- I was ALWAYS pissed at how much my Mom seemed to effortlessly know. I thought she was super smart (and I'm not saying she isn't) but some of it is just being alive long enough to pick up information.

As for Cash Cab- they frequently give you a huge clue right in the question- so listening skills are also helpful.

And lastly, I agree about reading. It really does help you become more well-rounded.

Good luck! I hope to see you some day on a trivia show :) :) :)



yea i think most of the ?'s are pretty simple and i scraped outta hs with a 2.1 gpa! the thing with jeopardy is that the answers hints are veiled in the questions, i'd say i get about 75% - 80% of jeopardy ?'s right

laughs are cheap, I'm going for gasps


Like a lot of people have said, they pick up more or less random people off the street. Shows like Jeopardy and Who Wants to be a Millionaire? have a screening process so only real trivia buffs get on.

On this show you could have idiots, geniuses and everything in between.


these questions are so hard i can barely get one right if i'm lucky!
