This is AWFUL.

I cannae believe that this show has been bloomin' cancelled.

I'm totally addicted to this show. And now I know that it's finished for good, it just annoys me (especially because I have only seen the first three - living in the UK an all). Now I have to watch it knowing I can NEVER EVER watch another series of it.

Why in the world would they not do another series? Just seems a tad stupid to me. And if the actors don't get on (heard that somewhere in this messageboard), then just get in a new actor. As long as he's fit and funny then who cares no?

Natty xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

PS: Check out my site...


The CW never gave it a real chance to get an audience and pretty much cancelled it before it even aired, therefore, it got low ratings.

People come here to die.


Yeah I heard that the stupid TV channel didn't help get the ratings in.
To be fair Sky One didn't really try that hard in the UK either. I had to tell all my friends about it. I feel bad now though, coz I've got them addicted to a show that's soon to end.

I've joined the petition to get it back though. I hope they do another one. It's too good not to. And if this CW channel doesn't... Then I hope they go bankrupt and get no ratings ever again :)

Natty xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

PS: Check out my site...


I can't blame SkyOne for not putting that much promotion into it. They probably already knew those 8 eps. were it.

If it makes you feel any better, three of the CW's new shows are already performing worse than HP (one has already been cancelled), their flagship show is down from last year, and their 3 other new shows are under performing.

People come here to die.


I think The CW exec's were being very cocky. They were expecting Gossip Girl to be a monster success, so they mistreated Hidden Palms since they believed that they already had a hit show with Gossip Girl. Gossip Girl is a failure. The CW was placing too much support into one show when they shouldn't have. You can never predict if a show will be a success or failure, so you need to treat each equally.

There's no reason why Hidden Palms shouldn't have been their main focus during the summer, it was their only show. Instead I saw more Gossip Girl promos, which was 3-4 months away, then promos for a new episode of Hidden Palms.

Scandal. Suicide. Murder.
Some towns have all the fun.



Hidden palms was a really exiting show. I watch the whole season in two days. Four episode in a row one day and four episode the next day. Too bad it got cancelled.


And what really annoys me is that the CW is still pumping Gossip Girl, even though it has bad ratings; when they treated Hidden Palms poorly and never gave it a chance, and they're showing more favoritism towards it than Reaper, which has similar ratings, but has actually grown from its lead in several times, something GG has never done.

People come here to die.


Hidden Palms was much much better than Gossip Girl, in my opinion. I really miss Hidden Palms and wish some other channel had decided to pick it up for another season.


The reason they are still behind Gossip Girl is because it is doing really well in other forms. Like its the number one downloaded show on Itunes. And its also true that most of the target audeiance is used to watching shows on their own time meaning alot of people have tivos and dvrs. Neither of thos factor into the rateings. So what might look like a failure by traditonal means actuly isnt.


I think it's unfair for a TV network to boost up the popularity of one show and ignore the rest, although that seems to be the game they're always playing. At least that's the case with CW. I agree with the above post. It doesn't mean Hidden Palms is a total failure. The only thing the show needs is more attention and support given by the network. Like everyone else, I also hope it will be given a 'second chance'. If not CW, then hopefully another station will.

"Variety is the spice of bad." -Buffy
