seven gargoyles

Does anyone know where I could find the origional short story that inspired pumpkinhead. I read about it in a magazine, and it tells about all the seven deadly sins and their assosiated demons. I can't remember who wrote it but I'm pretty sure the name of the story is the seven gargoyles.

Men fear most what they cannot see.


Actually, it was a poem. And it has nothing to do with the seven deadly sins.

"Keep away from Pumpkinhead,
Unless you're tired of living,
His enemies are mostly dead,
He's mean and unforgiving,
Bolted doors and windows barred,
Guard dogs prowling in the yard,
Won't protect you in your bed,
Nothing will, from Pumpkinhead."

Written by Ed Justin.

My DVD collection:


the poem was based on the short story

Men fear most what they cannot see.


I had no idea there was a short story, i'd quite like to read it myself
