Fake Accents + Falling Down

Can't believe they got a girl from Scotland to play the part of a backwoods country girl. Her Southern accent was so unbelievably fake and hokey I could barely watch it.

The other stupid part (in most cheesy horror movies) was the two guys trying to get away from Pumpkinhead. The one guy finally starts to run but then slips down (the biggest cliche ever). Then, knowing Pumpkinhead is after him he continues to lay there as if catching his breath. He had only run maybe 30 yards to start with. And then you're gonna keep laying down with Pumpkinhead after you? Gimme a break...


I actually thought that Ricky sounded British towards the end of the movie. The accents were kind of fake, I'll agree with you there. And a couple of the actors could've used a recast. But other than that, the film is great and I think it's the best Pumpkinhead sequel.

Burn, witch! Burn, witch! Burn! Burn! Burn!
