When is the release date?

When is it? All IMDb says is 2006....

"Look *bang!* An undead monkey!" Captian Jack Sparrow - POTC 2


Yeah!? Come on people. I NEED to know when this film is coming? :)


i've often thought "what a great film this would make, if it was done properly". I really hope they do it justice.


this is a really intersting story. i would love to be able to see it in picture. when does it come out?? seeing as 2006 is almost over. about 3 more days til 2007


I'm teaching this short story for the first time this semester and would LOVE to show this film (well, view it first to make sure it's not god-awful, then show it). So to the producers, anyone ... will it be released and available on DVD before Spring Break '07? Thanks, hugs, kisses, etc.

The only other version is the one I saw "back in the day" as an undergrad (90s) and I have no idea where to get a copy of it. If anyone knows how to get a copy of that one, though, pls contact me. TY



hello. i am basing my as media foundation production (a thriller film opening sequence) on this story, and would also like to know where i could get clips from this film and when it is coming out.
p.s anyone got a suggestion for a film title for my film based on the yellow wallpaper




They must be working on the film still. But there is a trailer at www.plus8digital.com. The trailer is next to Samuel Jackson's movie Home of the Brave. You go to trailers on the right side of the web page. Enjoy. The trailer is absolutely amazing. I liked it anyway. -Sarah.


http://www.angel-us.com/juliet/theyellow.php <This site lists the release date as "about" october 2007.

...Don't look now, but I think the monotremes are out to get me...
