ok Id like to point this out

Im into paranormal stuff like ghosts,psychics, reincarnation, and all that stuff. Well they said Shen was reincarnated, if he was reincarnated he wouldnt be a human, he would be a different form everytime he was reincarnated. If he was brought back to life and in human form he was REVIVED not REINCARNATED!!!!!


No one cared my luv, no 1 cared!!! well except for u....


I know I just said it because its tru





no.. but they say the dalai llama is a reincarnation isnt he?

" there is no light side dark side there is only the force" Vergere, Traitor


To the OP if you are reincarnated you can be a person, you might have said the most ignorant thing I have ever heard.

I tried to read the bible, but I will just wait for the movie- Unknown


sweety, wat are u talking about? since when can u not be reincarnated as a human? you can be reincarnated as anything depending on how u lived that particular life (if u even believe in any of this). Reviving someone would be if u (temporarily) lost consciousness and someone resusitated(sp?) you. If Shen were reliving his life as the same exact person over and over then you could argue that the reincarnation thing is wrong. But thats not whats going on in the movie.


I'm just glad I'm not the only one who noticed this.




No, he was revived when Wendy brought him back to life. A reincarnation can be either as a different being, or the same being if for a specific purpose. Also, if you've ever seen Inuyasha, Kagome is the reincarnation of Kikyo, a priestess. Kagome has Kikyo's spirit, but is actually her descendant. And if you notice, in Wendy Wu, Grandma says the warrior's descendants become the new Yin warrior. Supposedly, Wendy is also the reincarnation of the original Yin warrior, meaning that she has her great-great-etc.-grandmother's spirit residing in her body.

I think "Captain Planet" is something that should be mandatory to watch nowadays.

Team Jacob!
