Audrey is the worst!

I loved this show and I felt it was very underrated but one thing that bothered me about this show was the character of Audrey. She was just so irritating. All she did was moan and nag either to or about Jeff. And the things she nagged him about were just unnecessary. She always used to gloat that she was a good person but she never ever showed signs of it. Especially in the episode where she pretends to be pregnant because she is jealous that her coworker is pregnant and getting all the attention. She drives me insane and I honestly don't know how Jeff's character put up with her.
This being said I do know it is a show and that she is not a real person.


This isn't really a fair, imho, analysis of the Audrey character.

Jeff did lots of things that warrant being called out (a couple times, like the time when he tried to trick Audrey into thinking he forgot their anniversary, he was basically an *beep*) so Audrey complaining was generally warranted.

The whole point of the jokes in a few episodes is that she had a somewhat too high opinion of herself (an amusing case was the high school reunion episode). But, it's another matter to say there weren't examples of her being a good person. At times, it was a matter of her trying too hard (she wanted to help Jen and Adam, e.g., get an apartment, but she didn't handle it very well).

Audrey has some great reaction shots. I sorta see your point that they overdo that. But, given Jeff is a bit of a boob, Audrey is pretty hot and deep down is smart and a good person, I can see why he puts up with her.


JEFF IS A BIT OF A BOOB !-He has being a BOOB down to a ""dedicated life-long calling"".In real life could you imagine a couple SO diverse that they actually
made it to the altar let alone all those years together ? Patrick expanded his ""PUTTY" character and absolutely put his ""stamp "" on JEFF 100%.


This was basically addressed in a past thread.

The two are not as unlike as one might think. Audrey has her negative side too, and can be for instance as calculating as Jeff or a bit of a boob herself, just in a different way. She also has a side of her, if not as stereotypical as Jeff, that has a dark sense of humor or of human nature.

Jeff has to deal with a decent amount from her too. They also are clearly smart -- he is an financial consultant, she does editing work at a magazine. They balance each other out in various ways and deep down Jeff is a good person & Audrey can rely on him for the important things that lead to divorce when they aren't there.


Exactly right. That's why I've always preferred Jen. Plus she looks better too :)

Steven Seagal Fan Club President


I don't agree with the second part though it's a matter of taste.

The first, well, what does she do? She puts up with Adam, is eventually becomes pretty much a total idiot. And, by that point, the writers gave her very little to do other than sigh at how much of an idiot he (truly) was at that point.

The show does make her more interesting -- I wouldn't say more so than Audrey myself -- earlier on. But, then they got lazy or something. In effect, a bit of her masculine aspects were filled in by Brenda.


Well, I think that is the point of the show, to show the difficulty of marriage. Jeff and Audrey are the typical (a bit extreme) macho man and his idealist almost tree hugging goody goody wife, who in the end, was not who she think she is, not really.

It is about a big (not just body size) guy who tolerates his wife to keep peace in marriage also because she is hot.



Jeff is dragging Audrey down to his level. The bad things that Audrey exhibits are entirely down to Jeff's manipulation and total LACK Of THOUGHT. In reality Jeff is so lucky that Audrey doesn't kick him into touch. If Jeff were a better husband none of the things that the OP is calling Audrey on would surface.

On the opinion of Jenn, yes she is younger but she is not a patch on Audrey.

She is not right for Adam in the same way the Jeff is not right for Audrey. It's Only because Adam is so Dumb that he can't see he is manipulated to within an inch of his life by Jenn.

For redeeming characteristics only Audrey has ANY. Jeff is self-centred, Adam is Stupid beyond belief and Jenn is totally spoiled and manipulative.

It might sound like I am cheerleading for Audrey, she does have her faults, but mostly in response to years of dealing with a selfish, self centred Boob.

get busy livin' or get busy dyin'


The way you put it, makes me think Jenn and Jeff would be more suited. She would happily give into his needs because she's more assured of herself and Jeff would admire her, therefore not mess with her.


I am not even Sure Jenn would be good enough for Jeff. Don't get me wrong Jeff is a great character. But it is hard to name a more self-centred person on TV. The bit about the mentalist sums it up nicely. He wants to watch the mentalist, but not with Audrey. In fact he only wants Audrey for sex and domesticity, not that she is a great cook either. I am sure if Audrey left him, he would miss her, but not for very long. It's partially Audrey's fault mind you. Like a lot of people entering marriage they assume they can change their partner. She knew what Jeff was like 16 years ago, but he hasn't grown up one bit in that time. I would imagine it would be quite easy to feel alone in a relationship with a person like Jeff.

get busy livin' or get busy dyin'


Maybe, just maybe, Audrey has "Jeff" like characteristics in various ways (they both scheme to one up each other a lot ... it is part of BOTH of their characters) and that is part of why they got married?

Adam is deep down a sweet person and generally accepts people for who they are. Early on, he is not as much of a moron. Jeff is sweeter than one thinks. Guy is pals with a lesbian for crying out loud. As seen in the "five things I like" episode, deep down, he's a good person. He's not a Russell. Who is not totally evil push comes to shove either, actually. See his relationship with Audrey's sis.


Audrey was too judgmental of people! Example: The Catering episode- she wanted to refuse the person who is doing her and her husband a favor, by carrying their baby when she asked for a simple favor, after her staff quit because she thought of herself as not as a "waitress" but a rich, snobby, person.. As opposed to Jeff who was happy to help(though his main reason was to be unsupervised behind a bar)


Audrey at times feels self-conscious as a Midwesterner in NYC and wants to fit in with the cool kids. It's a human side of her that brings forth some comedy. Of course, Jeff has his own issues. The two balance each other out in various ways. The episode is an example of how Jeff is a decent guy in various ways. After all, he's kewl with being friends with a lesbian. Some other guy could be a jerk about that sort of thing.


I loved this show and I felt it was very underrated but one thing that bothered me about this show was the character of Audrey. She was just so irritating. All she did was moan and nag either to or about Jeff. And the things she nagged him about were just unnecessary. She always used to gloat that she was a good person but she never ever showed signs of it. Especially in the episode where she pretends to be pregnant because she is jealous that her coworker is pregnant and getting all the attention. She drives me insane and I honestly don't know how Jeff's character put up with her.
This being said I do know it is a show and that she is not a real person.

I agreed with every single word you said. She was a nightmare and I would often get mad at her while my wife and I watched it. I would say "I would kill her" then looking at my wife in disgust like she had something to do with it, then blame the house being messy on my wife. (kidding) Now of course it's not who the person is in real life, so to that degree she was a great actress to enlist that kind of goofy response out of me. She played that irritation character well, but Audrey was a bitch.


I can see that overall Audrey is brought down to Jeff's level alot and he does manipulate and is also a bit stingy and tight at times regardfs money and how he treats his wife.

That being said he loves her dearly and is also totally faithful too her despite having had chances not to be in one episode anyway.

Of course he lies and manipulates in other ways so...


Wasn't the best show in the world, but i tune in from time to time on E4 in the UK, and i always find that as soon as Audrey appears and opens her mouth, it's like someone threw a big soaking wet blanket over proceedings. Her voice is so dull monotonous and condescending. The character had no comedic quality at all(unlike the others who all had their moments) her voice and character were one big, feminist DOWNER.


Audrey has her moments. Pretending to be pregnant. The doll episode. Being nude in the hot tub and finding out that Jen isn't. The confusion with the maid. The sexual harassment episode. The catering job. And others.

If someone doesn't like her, I guess, it would be a downer. But, if someone doesn't like Jeff acting like a doofus yet again, you know, kinda the same.


'Doofus' is funny. Audrey is just a straightman. With the exception of Stan Laurel, straightmen are nothing without more memorable doofus characters to bounce off.Jeff is big, dumb looking and has the comedic voice with his slow dry witicisms. Whats does Audrey have? A moany, whiny voice and buzz killing demeanour. The Sara Rue character Brenda had much more comedic presence for her lesser time in the show.


I provided various episodes where she was funny.

A doofus by himself isn't funny either. You need both. But, she was funny in many episodes. She is the queen of the reaction shot. Show as a whole gave both female leads less to do over time.

This "buzzkill" tone says as much as about you as anyone else. Some people don't find Jeff funny either. He too can get tiresome.


I provided various episodes where she was funny

She was never funny. You had Jeff coming out with a at least a few funny lines an episode,all you got from her is nagging about Jeff's cholesterol levels. She is not the 'Queen of anything, least of all anything comedic. If you took Jeff character out of the show, you would have a huge void, take the Audrey character out, you'd have a funnier sitcom without the whining nagging and her face like a bag of spanners.

You only have to watch that scene where she thinks she is the 'funny' one of the couple, and the other characters reactions to that statement.Says it all. Out of the cast of the 6, i'd like you to show where you think Audrey ranks and who she is funnier than, cos out of the cast i'd rate her LAST.



Jeff was the biggest jerk character on TV. NO woman would have stayed married to such a self centered, egotistical jerk like him. She was fine trying to have a normal marriage and he was the worst.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


She is perhaps the worst character in any series. Completely & totally worthless and annoying. Hey character seems forced and fake.


Actually, I think Audrey is the better one in their marriage. I know Jeff 'doesn't give a crap' attitude started out as a point of humor, but honestly, I think they took it too far. By the end, he's done some pretty extreme things, doesn't care about his friends, and barely about his wife.

The feeling that you get about friends actually caring about one another, in friends or HIMYM for example, is absolutely absent here. Humor is great, but at the end of the day, there should be some substance to the characters.
