Was this movie good??

Do you think this movie was good?


haha im watchin it right now and it sucks


I"ve tried watching it while parusing YouTube cat videos. This movie is horrificly idiotic and has the production values equal to the worst one would see on YouTube only it isn't worth watching.

Hows that?
Sci Fi Channel producers should just give it up. The stuff they put up is a laughing stock. They would be better off re-running old Time Tunnel episodes or something.


Well, suffice it to say this is two hours of my life I'll never get back.

Poor Sci-Fi. At least Eureka is okay.

The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma -- Patrick Star


Stargate, Battlestar Galactica and Eureka are about all that Sci Fi has. It sure doesn't have a head for making good movies. Just when I think they couldn't do worse, they find a way to surprise me with this dribble.


Oh, come now. Sabretooth and DinoCroc were almost good in a cheesy classic kind of way.


I really need to play catch up on Battlestar. I tried to watch it but I fear there is just too much background I don't know. Maybe when they release the DVD.

Are they planning a marathon any time soon?

The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma -- Patrick Star


What Sci-fi should do is make the rest of the dune books.


It was...





Proves how low actors will stoop to avoid getting a normal job. As if WORKING is more degrading that doing these movies.


I laughed most of the way through it, because it was so horrendously bad (see the "100 things I learned..." post). Most of the acting was pretty bad (SPF is a good actor, but it was so funny seeing him say the cheesy dialog, trying to be all serious), the dialog was so ridiculous, and the premise was just plain stupid (Bears? Seriously??). But like I said, I did laugh. But only because of how bad it was. It would be a great movie for MST 3000 if that was still on.

I'm smitten. I'm in deep smit.
