realistic...or total crap?

ok i just watched this movie, and i don't know it it's just me, or do most teenagers really have mulitiple people relations and have sex at parties? I felt the movie would have been a bit more interesting if the main character and her boyfriend actually did regular relationship stuff, instead of jumping into bed so early in the movie. Anyone else feel like this movie was a waste of time?


Yes. Realistic.

Kids these years have no morals, and will "hook up" with anyone. Sad. Pathetic. and TRUE.


I don't think that it's that they didn't have any morals. I think that there morals were different than what is the norm.


Barb67 said "Kids these years have no morals, and will "hook up" with anyone. Sad. Pathetic. and TRUE."

As a "kid" I am insulted by your use of gross generalization, lack of information and general insulting attitude towards my generation. Don't be fooled, for one, according to the Kinsey report, published over 50 years ago, sexual behavior of this sort has been "common" practice for decades, and by a much larger majority of people than one might suppose. Secondly, this movie portrays a minority group in terms of behavior. It is not normal adolescent behavior. It is sensationalized, abnormal and shocking behavior. No one wants to watch a movie about teenagers who do their homework and have abstinent or monogamous relationships. Unless you are a member of my generation, or someone who has the factual information to back up your claims, I suggest you leave your judgments and consider opening your mind and your perceptions. Movies are made about exceptional situations, not normal ones, and your air of unearned and uninformed superiority is insulting and inappropriate. May I remind you whose generation put thousands of Japanese into concentration camps, dropped an atom bomb and (albeit in another nation) enacted the Nazi plan. Sex between teenagers is nothing new, and at least members of my generation are taking action to make the world at large better, instead of destroying it.


I do have factual information. I live with Kids like this. It's disgusting.


But do you have factual information that kids in other generations haven't acted in the same way, or that the majority of kids act this way?


I am not talking about sex between teenagers. I am talking about the casual attitude about it that prevails today much stronger than in any previous generation. It all started in the 90s, and has gotten worse and worse.

The idea that oral is not sex, that you can "hook up" with anyone for the hell of it, or have a group boyfriend, girlfriend thing such as this movie depicts, would NOT be the norm in the 80s, 70s or 60s and yes, I know there were disgusting habits then too, IE Studio 54, which was a prime example of the debauchery of that age, but the way it's put out there now is decidedly different.

The lack of respect for their bodies, 15 year old guys pimping high school girlfriends out for beer and drugs, and the girl doing it because she feels it's the only way to keep her boyfriend. THAT stuff did NOT go on in the previous decades, at all. I went to high school during the 80s, NOTORIOUS for drugs and open sex. WE never wore plastic bracelets advertising what sex acts we are willing to perform, and I never once heard one of my friend's boyfriends say "Hey, My Ho will do you good for a blunt and a 40"... My DAUGHTER, however, HAS experienced the bracelet thing, and often heard this said. Even SHE finds it disgusting!

It's all about HOW they think... Not what they do, and the lack of self respect in this day and age of Jerry Springer and Dear ole Paris is appalling.

This is all I will say to you. Perhaps you are not one of those, but see it, fear it, and guard your daughters from what can only get progressively worse as these kids breed younger and younger.


"The lack of respect for their bodies, 15 year old guys pimping high school girlfriends out for beer and drugs, and the girl doing it because she feels it's the only way to keep her boyfriend. THAT stuff did NOT go on in the previous decades, at all."

Right. You are omnipresent and can speak for the entire world at every moment for three decades.

By the way, your daughter needs to be put into a better environment. It's neglectful -- and therefore, child abuse -- to hear of all this stuff going on and keeping her in such a situation.

Sheesh. Why are you rampaging against the actions of teenagers if you're not going to do anything to fix it?


She hears it in SCHOOL. An overcrowded, liberalized Public School. Which is where most of them learn it.

Nowadays it's "blame the parents" not "teach the child"...

Most parents aren't even home to know what kids do.

And YES I can speak for the entire world for three decades. NO ONE did that back then. The internet taught them how, and it did not exist at the time.


Oh, it was happening back in the day. You're delusional if you think otherwise. People may not have talked about it the way they do now, but it was definitely happening.

In fact the only thing that's changed over the years is how open people get about what they do behind closed doors.


Not all teenagers are wild as depicted in the movie. I, for one,was a good one IMO.


The idea that oral is not sex, that you can "hook up" with anyone for the hell of it, or have a group boyfriend, girlfriend thing such as this movie depicts, would NOT be the norm in the 80s, 70s or 60s

You are a fool....if you truly believe this. You TRULY believe that all of the stuff that you mentioned did not happen AT ALL back then? How ignorant. My 51 year old photography teacher showed us a slideshow of photographs taken by a woman who attended a school that she was forced to attend by her parents because she kept flunking out of school. At this school the students were allowed to do WHATEVER they wanted. They ran around naked, had sex, and did drugs. This was in the SEVENTIES. The theory, as idiotic as it may seem, was that if they were allowed to do what they wanted, they'd eventually get bored of it all and lead their life in the right direction.

This has been going on for DECADES. It has. I have quite a few friends, CLOSE friends....and NONE of us have ever engaged in casual sex. None of us do drugs. Of course, we are no better or less promiscuous than the older generations but we are not the only generation who has received a bad rap.

-- I am a traveler of both time and space, to be where I have been


Actually, that is second hand anecdotal references, which is to say, completely irrelevant. I'm sorry that you're disgusted by your body, by the way.

,Said the Shotgun to the Head--
Saul Williams


I agree with you, the person you replied to gave a really rude and judgmental comment about a whole generation. In my experience it's untrue for the majority. I'm sure there are some teens like that but I also believe there have been those in previous generations. Reading some autobiographies is a good way to get an idea of this and I've discovered there's a lot more of it than you think in previous generations.

Politicians and other prominent people in their 50s are constantly being found cheating, that I think is worse than hooking up anyway. Yet I'm not going to say the whole generation has no morals and in disgusting! We know there are middle aged swingers' parties etc.

Most of my friends didn't have sex until after 18 and usually not within a casual setting. It all depends on the quality of your social group. Mine was good, and not unusual.


Yes. Realistic.

Kids these years have no morals, and will "hook up" with anyone. Sad. Pathetic. and TRUE.

Aside from the fact that that is a very generalised comment, and also that general depravity has been the case since the beginning of mankind (world's oldest profession, anyone?), I'm not too sure it's all that true.

Yeah, teenagers 'these years' are all very immature and hot-headed, ra ra ra, but we're all still individuals, and just because we're going through the same developmental stages (and not even at the same rates) doesn't mean we're all motivated by our hormones and flitting to and from partners willy-nilly. Not that I would deny anyone the right to do that. People naturally have different desires and aspirations. Also, I'm not too sure that sex merely for one's own fulfillment is lacking morals, provided it doesn't hurt anyone. It can be for healthy release, for instance. And in this film, the six-way relationship was clearly very loving, in fact it looked like a lot of fun - one big sleep over party all the time!

As to answer the OP's original question, at least from my experience that kind of thing is not common (although it wasn't portrayed in the movie as common either, they were kinda snubbed by a lot of people). The only exception I can think of is of this three-way couple that got together recently, it's a man-girl-manwich, as it were. But it certainly isn't the norm.

For the most part, I'd say this stuff is just as likely to happen with adults as with teens, which isn't to say that all teens and all adults would do it. It just depends on one's personal boundaries and imagination, I guess...


I don't think "morality" means what you think it means.

,Said the Shotgun to the Head--
Saul Williams


I think the only reason they had sex so early was cause that is all she really knew.she didn't know how to start a relationship and what teenage boy would be like no don't come into my room and sleep with me. I think they should have known eachother longer b4 that happened. That was also a big prob with their relationship. I think the characters were realistic but the 6 people relationship wasn't and I have no idea what was going on with the brother and Sean's mom.that part bothered me more than the 6 people relationship

Things change for the good or the bad is up to you.So just go with it.


I think this movie is total crap. First, the acting was awful. Second, I think it's totally unrealistic. While I do realize that teens are promiscuous (I definitely do not dispute that), I find it hard to believe that teens have orgies at parties. I also think that the little sex club is also *beep* Of course teens have random hook-ups but I doubt there are little clubs.


umm...psychasses, i'm sorry to say i've been to a few parties like that.
Orgies were in the center of the room. But they didn't have orgies, they
were having sex with eachother like 2 at a time...i've seen all the drama
that is exactly like that, and there was a place (that you couldnt really call a club), but we had hung out there and hooked up. It's like that in some places.
There are groups of kids like that.

-Death Is *beep* Complicated- Erin


These things do exist. Again may I point to Rockdale County, GA and the syphilis outbreak due to sex parties. That is just one example. People seem to have the mentality that if they don't see it in their neighborhood, then it doesn't happen. First, people often don't see what's right under their noses. Second, if it isn't going on in some neighborhoods, it doesn't mean it isn't somewhere else. It's not always big cities, fact it is probably more common in small towns where the kids have little to do.


This movie is a load of crap, unless you and your friends are like 4 in 40 million, or you are in the fantasy-scriped land of a porn set.

I was in hs ten years ago, went to mahy parties, was fairly popular, and dated several gorgeous girls. I am in Graduate school now and still pretty much look the same, and I must say, this kind of stuff DOES NOT GO on, nor did it in my high school.

"In order to survive a war, you have to become war.." - Sylvester Stallone/John J. Rambo -


it might not always happen around the "popular kids", but it does happen, i have been to plenty of places where teens are having orgies, there are definitely kids like this who went to my high school.
high school is a time of experimentation, everyone feels like they're more mature than they really are... this doesn't suprise me in the least.


I guess the fact that you've never seen or experienced something like this coupled with the fact that you typed it out in all caps seals it... this stuff "DOES NOT GO on."

Couldn't have said it better myself...



yea we def. aren't all lke that. some ppl over 14 actually ARE virgins lol.

Don't play with fire. You Will burn.
It's just a possibility that I will kiss a doorknob.


I graduated from high school 20 years ago and I definitely knew kids like this. Time and time again I went to parties where sex was going on right in the main party room. Although this probably wasn't what happened on an average day in the life of an average American high-schooler, it definitely happened and did so more often than people probably realized. Unfortunately, I currently know several teens who lead lifestyles similar to that which was portrayed in the movie. When I approached the mother of one of them (a 12 year old at the time), she didn't seem too concerned. THIS STUFF HAPPENS EVERY DAY AND HAPPENS IN YOUR TOWN. Also, it isn't all about "kids these days"; my peers were doing it too 20 years ago.

You are in denial if you think this stuff doesn't happen today and certainly didn't happen in the past.

ps: FYI: I was a "good girl" in high school - no drinking, no drugs, honor society, AP classes, church youth group, etc.


All this talk about sex, orgies, hookups - I now need to watch this movie! What a great plot!


I am 19 and this has never happened in my town.. along with many of the towns around it.. I am in my 2nd year of college and it hasn't even happened here. The story is a little far fetched, Not saying that it doesn't happen but it doesnt happen a lot. . .or its kept a secret. I have heard stories of 3somes but never really a repetitive account with a group of 6 or whatever. Never have been to a party where people were acting like that...ive never seen someone having sex out in eye sight at a party.. and ive been to a lot of parties. again not saying it doesnt happen but again its rare.

I don't know maybe its just a certain group of kids that do this..definitely not the ones i hung around with.. and i lived in a pretty small town so word of something like this would travel fast. not saying we didn't have slutty and easy girls/guys around but everyone has to know there will always be people like that.



how nasty to be at a party where people are having sex in front of you. That does not happen in my country, your culture must be so weak. At least here the couples go into a room and close the door before doing something! If they didn´t the other people would tell them to bugger off somewhere private. I know that my people have the best parties and know how to get wild, that has nothing to do with being so weak and powerless as to *beep* in front of other people, with random people. I though this movie stank to high heavens. The acting, the story and everything else was painful. I cincerely hope that this isn´t realistic for america, if it is then you guys are seriously *beep*


Yes, it goes on. Being a junior in high school, I can tell you that it goes on.

"You know what, didn't you leave the first *beep* night?" - New York, F.O.L. Reunion!



well in all honesty..that is pretty realistic. Not to mention she's never really been in a serius realtionships to her it's always been about sex.

you'll be my king and I'll be your castle. No you'll be my queen and I'll be you moat


It was like this in my High School, only not nearly as clean and polite as it is presented here. Its definately like this now, only more so.
