Is this how they do it?

I'm OK with films using creative license to tell their story. But would the Army really select a man recovering from combat for this deliver the news to the families of the loss of their loved ones? That sounds like a bone headed idea that would inevitably lead to further psychological damage of the soldier. Wouldn't the men used for this have to be carefully screened? It's got to be one of the hardest jobs there is.

"I'd never ask you to trust me. It's the cry of a guilty soul."


Generally no. Nor would they select a soldier like him for recruitment either. But there are exceptions sometimes...


The idea is not to but someone who my be mentally Ill in that job. But if he is cleared for regular duty, and he's getting out soon, then it could happen.

When I got hurt, I was only a month from being done. So they gave me all sorts of stupid assignments to keep me busy. Nothing that required any real training and such.

Like in the other thread. The guy I knew that did this told me this was pretty accurate.

Alot of us coming back have psychological issues. But the mass majority won't say a thing to a psych. It causes alot of problems.
