MovieChat Forums > The Messenger (2009) Discussion > SO WILL BEN FOSTER FINALLY GET HIS OSCAR...


PLEASE? Everyone was terrific, especially Foster and Morton. Woody's back in great form as well. I was blown away. The secondary actors protraying grief were just devastatingly real. Congrats to the director. I came out saying WOW.



That would be great - as should Woody. I'm glad I saw this at the spur of a moment and not read to much about it as I didn't even know Steve Buscemi was in it and he was great.

A very good film.

cut me in quadrants
leave me in the corner
ooh now it's passing
ooh now i'm dancing
- a&tj


Not trying to start a fight here, but what do you mean by "finally"? You say this as though he has been in the running a bunch of times in the past and has repeatedly been snubbed. He hasn't even been nominated before. And what roles did he play, other than maybe his one in 3:10 to Yuma, that were even worth a nomination?

Don't get me wrong, I think Foster is a good actor and have yet to see The Messenger, but it's not like he has had many great roles. I would much rather see Steve Buscemi get a nomination. Looking at his career he is much more deserving of one.


Hey, no fights here, especially when it comes to Buscemi! OK, so my title is poorly worded. I guess I meant to say, will he finally be recognized. His performances on Six Feet Under got me going about him to friends. Then Alpha Dog. And lastly 3:10 to Yuma, I really thought he'd actually get an Oscar nom for that. Every performance unique and well-executed. (Even the Angel character in the X-Men was great.) So, yeah, maybe too early for someone who's only been around 10 years or so. Now, Buscemi, I agree, he's WAY overdue for recognition. But for this movie, I didn't think it was at his best. Then again, folks seem to recognize people at a time not at their A-game (like silly "lifetime achievements" when they deserved rewards in the past), so who knows???


Ben foster truly is talented. He was very convincing in the minor role in freaks and geeks, and was terrifying in 30 days of night (not to say that 30 days of night was oscar worthy) after seeing the messenger, I'm quite suprised that he does not do more higher profile roles. Maybe just type-cast as the weirdo?


He really should have been nominated for Alpha Dog. He was a total badass in that movie.


I completely agree.



Foster should have been awarded oscar for the minor part in Phonebooth. :P


Ben Foster deserves no such oscar. Kinda hate the guy's whole persona and the way he comes across on screen.


LMAO...i cant say anythig elase about !


Ben Foster in LIBERTY HEIGHTS, really great, see that if you like him.

Agree he and Harrelson are tremendous in this film, also Morton and Buscemi.
